No more Press Conferences

They have got to be kidding me. No more press conferences? The media is in the bag for me. I called the woman of a fallen serviceman in Benghazi a liar when I said she “may not recall in the moment everything that was said or wasn’t said” or “she was wrong, dead wrong.” The press could care less. They were busy burying Trump.

I can lie and they believe. They so desperately want to believe.

Why don’t we just get them to ask the questions I want? I could have it all fixed and prepare answers to questions. Only allow questions I know are coming.

But, no more Press Conferences? Don’t they think the public might think “if she can’t even handle a press conference, how can she handle the presidency?”

Wait. Maybe they are right. The public probably won’t think of that. Idiots… Of course. I’ll avoid the press…

Spending some time watching a rerun of my speech at the convention. So great. Damn, my hair looked good. Why didn’t someone tell me my teeth were yellow. Yikes. Oh well.

I love that line “A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons.” Just a great line.

Note to self: Ask one of the interns what a Tweet is

Need to rest, just exhausted – physically and mentally.

Chocolate Therapy

Yesterday was the best day on the trail yet. I took a day off, stayed in my pajamas all day. Ate Ben & Jerry’s in bed. Beautiful. Had to talk to a few of the idiots working for me, but I shut them down fast. I think I scare them.

Anyway, one idiot did help me set up this Private Digital Diary that I can use to help blow off steam and jot down thoughts for my future memoirs. I’m thinking a cathartic type of Diary to help me stay sane. A punching bag would be better, but this writing avenue might help.

Next memoir working title? Maybe “Mrs. Clinton goes to Washington” or “Liar Liar Pantsuit on Fire” ha ha. That would get the idiots going.

I’m going to try and use this diary a few times a day. Not sure if it’s going to help much, but I don’t see how it can hurt. More later.



DISCLAIMER: None of what is written in any of these entries has been written by a real public figure. Please Enjoy.