Elizabeth Warren

First, Pocahontas criticized me for giving Schultz a job…Now she called me a GIRL. Why did I ever like her in the first place?

I don’t think she’s trustworthy. Didn’t she make up a story about her being an Native American Indian to get a chair at Harvard? I don’t know – thought I heard that. Maybe I saw a little bit of myself in her.

At any rate. She calls me a GIRL. Loser.

The media will give her a pass. It’s not like Trump called me a girl. The media would have a field day with that.

More later.

Trump wants to kill me

The press is brutal. Not to me, of course. Trump once said something about him being able to shoot someone and not lose voters. Now, he just opens his mouth and the press do the rest. Voters are easily manipulated, I’ve said it before. The press twists what he says and the voters go away.

Yesterday he gives a speech to try and get the NRA and 2nd amendment supporters to rally around him and vote for him to keep me out of the White House. Because I’ll put in super liberal judges, make everyone register their guns so I know where to go to get them. And, put major restrictions on gun ownership, if we allow it at all once I’m in office.

Of course, guns to protect the White House and me – I’m not stupid. But, the other people – no reason for them to have guns.

But the press take that and run. They are claiming that what Trump really meant was for gun owners to shoot me. I guess you could take it that way.  But, even I know it’s not what he meant. But, then again, I am smarter that the average voter.

Anyway, the rebel press at Fox have a different idea. Fair and Balanced? They basically implied I shot a DNC worker that was working with Julian Assange. Or the DNC or someone in my staff. And, they keep interviewing people that are insinuating that I’m corrupt. Even talking about the time I tried to steal furniture from the White House. Just silly. I don’t think many people watch Fox anyway. Although, they do have some hot women on that channel…. Bill watches, I know.

Hmmm. Julian Assange. He’s an enigma, I wonder what emails he has that he’s planning on releasing? There are plenty that, if read by the public, could actually kill me and my white house plans. I don’t believe he has anything. If he did, why is he waiting?

Then again, if he does have damaging emails that paint a picture of me as corrupt or actually put the puzzle pieces together of the countries and companies I sold favors to while Secretary of State…it wouldn’t be ideal to have them released. I can always hope for another terror attack or cop shooting to deflect the media attention off the emails when/if they do come out….

More later.

I support terrorists

Of course I don’t support terrorists. But, now I have a known Taliban supporter (who thinks homosexuals should be punished by God) standing 5 feet from me at a recent rally, clearly supporting me, waving an American flag.  His image is easy to pick out on the broadcast. And, it just so happens that his son killed 45+ (not sure the number – does it matter?) people in a gay nightclub a few miles away.

So, should I support his right to free speech? He’s clearly a Hillary supporter and just because his son killed a bunch of Americans in a bar in Orlando doesn’t make him a bad guy. Does it?

He got an invitation from my people. My people asked him to stand behind me. A muslim looking guy would look good in the background. Or, so they thought.

But this guy is bad. He wants to support me. But, my team should never have allowed him within 20 feet of me.

I mean, I should probably fire the advance team that allowed that to happen. Turns out one of the members of the advance team is the same person a few weeks ago that put water in my travel cup instead of vodka. I wanted to fire her then. I should have. Now, I’m stuck with the terrorist at my rally.

Then, I have to walk by the press wanting a comment. Of course I have to ignore them. No more press conferences. And, for sure, no to answering questions. I’m much better if someone tells me exactly what to say. At this point, it’s kind of hard to remember what I’m for and against. So a clear written answer works better for me.

Like the other day when my staff wanted me to do debate prep. Ha. This is what debate prep should consist of:
1) Find out the questions that will be asked (the debates aren’t on Fox, get the questions from the mainstream media)

2) Get a speech writer to draft my response

3) Let me memorize the response



Also, the debates are planned, as I wanted and requested – against major football games… it doesn’t matter.

More later.


Economic Speech

I really thought I would use this Diary more; I have so many thoughts I want to get down on paper. More than just rants about how much I hate people or whatever is bothering me that day. I have truly good thoughts for my book, for my Presidency. Stuff that just pops in my head and I want to have later.

I have to admit, I am just exhausted. It’s hard to pick up a keyboard or laptop and type. I need to nap after personal appearances. Just really not cut out for this pace. So, I haven’t gotten to write as much as I wanted to.

Trump gave his speech yesterday. I heard it wasn’t bad. And the media didn’t even really talk about it. More about the protesters at his speech – not much about the speech itself. Brilliant. Actually, he probably knows much of what the country needs, I guess. I’ve been pushed so far left by Bernie I don’t know. Truthfully it will take more than a good plan to fix the economy after all the horrible stuff from the past 8 years under he that should not be named. Stifling debt, bad deals. I heard there is a bumper sticker out there that says “we are all screwed 2016” which is probably correct.

I meant to sit down and write a few notes for my own speech, or positive thoughts about it. However, as I sit here ready to do just that — the one thought I find most dominant in my mind is: why do I have to give all these speeches for FREE?

I mean $200,000 should be the minimum for me to open my mouth. I got $675,000 from Goldman Sachs. And now? I am reduced to traveling around talking to ordinary people …. Just regular people … For FREE?

I mean, I’m not stupid. I know I have to. It just kills me that I have been reduced to this. Me. Pretending to care about the little people, the middle class.

I wonder if there is a way, once I’m in the White House, to get states to pay for me to show up. Like, you have a flood? You need federal help? How about a donation to the Foundation? Then, we’ll see what you get.

It works with foreign governments. Need help with an oil deal? Slide some cash my way…. Anyway – definitely food for thought.

For the economic speech? They keep rejecting some of my favorite lines. Like how the government should make all their decisions – they aren’t sophisticated enough to know what’s good for them. Or, how the problem is that most people just don’t try very hard, which is ok because my plan will help them try less. I think we should tell people that I know they need help. I’m smart. I am different than them so I will fix their problems. But they want to talk more in generalities and about how we should take from the rich. But, I’m rich. I don’t like that. And also — aren’t the people who back me from the big banks part of the rich? Sounds like biting the hand that feeds me. Of course it’s all just talk, I know. And the “steal from rich, give to the poor” — the “Robin Hood fantasy” plays better to the masses. So, whatever.

But, I’m too tired to argue at this point. I’ll just read what they give me.

But note to self: you have a microphone… Don’t yell. It just makes you sound like somebody’s cranky mother-in-law or ex-wife. The press and public will love you no matter what you do. Oh yeah other note to self: get some teeth whitening strips.



Few thoughts – Wasserman and more

Debbie Wasserman Schultz – wow. My kind of gal. This morning she told reporters that the people in the room at the convention were cheering her. Everyone only heard boos. Loud resounding boos. It’s amazing she can reinvent that moment. A woman after my own heart. Taking a page out of my book. A real scrapper. If you aren’t cheating, you aren’t trying is what I like to say.

I will probably find a spot for her in my cabinet. A woman willing to lie, cheat and steal? Perfect.

Problems with Delta computer system? Can’t remember the last time I flew commercial. That’s for the other people. Just another perk of being me. I have a womanizer, sex addict for a husband that was more excited about the balloons at the convention than his wife’s speech, but I get to fly in private planes… So…

And, they are tiptoeing around me about my email server “outing” a spy. Jesus. Who cares? He’s dead. What difference — at this point, what difference does it make?

There is a dead spy. My server? My emails? Maybe it was a protest or because of guys out for a walk one night that decided they’d go kill. Another person is dead. Doesn’t matter what caused it. Move on. The media doesn’t care about my emails. The FBI didn’t care either. So, someone died. He could have just as easily been hit by lightening.

More later.


No more Press Conferences

They have got to be kidding me. No more press conferences? The media is in the bag for me. I called the woman of a fallen serviceman in Benghazi a liar when I said she “may not recall in the moment everything that was said or wasn’t said” or “she was wrong, dead wrong.” The press could care less. They were busy burying Trump.

I can lie and they believe. They so desperately want to believe.

Why don’t we just get them to ask the questions I want? I could have it all fixed and prepare answers to questions. Only allow questions I know are coming.

But, no more Press Conferences? Don’t they think the public might think “if she can’t even handle a press conference, how can she handle the presidency?”

Wait. Maybe they are right. The public probably won’t think of that. Idiots… Of course. I’ll avoid the press…

Spending some time watching a rerun of my speech at the convention. So great. Damn, my hair looked good. Why didn’t someone tell me my teeth were yellow. Yikes. Oh well.

I love that line “A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons.” Just a great line.

Note to self: Ask one of the interns what a Tweet is

Need to rest, just exhausted – physically and mentally.

Chocolate Therapy

Yesterday was the best day on the trail yet. I took a day off, stayed in my pajamas all day. Ate Ben & Jerry’s in bed. Beautiful. Had to talk to a few of the idiots working for me, but I shut them down fast. I think I scare them.

Anyway, one idiot did help me set up this Private Digital Diary that I can use to help blow off steam and jot down thoughts for my future memoirs. I’m thinking a cathartic type of Diary to help me stay sane. A punching bag would be better, but this writing avenue might help.

Next memoir working title? Maybe “Mrs. Clinton goes to Washington” or “Liar Liar Pantsuit on Fire” ha ha. That would get the idiots going.

I’m going to try and use this diary a few times a day. Not sure if it’s going to help much, but I don’t see how it can hurt. More later.



DISCLAIMER: None of what is written in any of these entries has been written by a real public figure. Please Enjoy.