Pay to Play

Newest email scandal — Duh, of course I will meet with people who give me money. The Foundation got most of its money from people who wanted access. I want money and power, they want access. Win win. I met with a couple of people who didn’t donate. I wasn’t happy about it, but I was getting paid to do a job, so I did. Focus on that.

When Louisiana coughs up money, I’ll go meet with that mess of a place.

263 days and no press conference. Not going to do one now, Reince.

I wonder if anyone else is concerned about the fires, earthquakes and floods. Like a Biblical warning. Trump called me the Devil once. If only. That’s power.

More later.


The Black Vote

Los Angeles trip was not bad. So far, so good. Money coming in again.

So, Trump apparently making a play for the Black Vote. Seriously. I have 99% of the Black Vote. I think the other 1% is made up of Larry Elder, Colin Powell, Herman Cain and Ben Carson.

Fat chance. I mean, even I really think it would make sense for the black electorate to vote Republican. To paraphrase The Donald —  “what have they got to lose?” I understand his point. Black men and women and young adults are worse off than they were 8 years ago. Their income has come down, their education systems are failing. Their jobless rates have skyrocketed. Many of the predominately black urban areas have become places of death and destruction. With me, they just get more of the same.

But, the voters — ALL voters — are easy to manipulate. And, the media has done a great job painting The Donald as a misogynistic, bigoted, crazy man.

So, I have nothing to lose. The Democrats will keep the black vote.

More later.

More Louisiana

There are worst places than Martha’s Vineyard. One is Louisiana. No chance I’m going there any time soon. Also, rethinking the pay to pay strategy. When I’m President, I won’t take foreign donations to the Foundation – but again worth looking at – maybe states can donate for access to the White House….. Have a flood? Donate to the Foundation and I may come.

Huma super excited about the Florida pledge of allegiance waiver and some schools dropping the pledge altogether. Wants to have that all over the country because teaching children the values of our country and pledging allegiance to the American flag is just a form of indoctrination and brainwashing that we should stop. And, offensive to many.

I grew up saying the pledge of allegiance. I still love the country and can it be bad to get the young kids to say a pledge to our country? Is it wrong to have the kids learn that freedom and what our country represents is something to love and respect and pledge allegiance to? Is it inhibiting their freedom to force them to do this? It is a fair concern. I can see both sides. But, she’s probably right and I’m too tired to argue. Put waivers or stopping the pledge of allegiance in public schools on my list.

More later.


So cool to be endorsed by WIRED – which I guess is a tech magazine or website. Not in my realm, don’t know exactly what it means — but cool anyway.

Just a little ironic. I have trouble turning my phone on and off, but apparently I’m the person the tech leaders love.

Crap. Fundraising still sluggish.


On the bright side, apparently the Foundation is getting a lot of money after we announced we weren’t taking any foreign/corporate money after November. Gotta get their money and their chit in while they can.

More later.


Joe Biden

Not sure about that weird hug. It’s been like 4-5 days now and I’m still having trouble sleeping. I mean, I kept slapping him on the shoulder like “it’s over, you can let go” but he kept hugging me. Grossly inappropriate.

I also know he would love to see me indicted. And, he would so casually step in to help the party. Right.

Joe. Jumping Joe? What’s his nickname? Doesn’t matter. He just made my list. Not the good list either. The hug was the most action I’ve seen in years… But, still, wildly inappropriate. Right?

Or, is it? First lady (well, former…) with the Vice President… I love “Scandal” – great show… How about a “life imitates art” rendition? The public might kind of like it…. the show is a hit. Might kind of make me seem more human? Something to consider.

More later.



The aides have to stop telling me I should go to Louisiana.

8 electoral votes and no money there. WTF are they thinking?

And now, Trump has already gone. Will look like I’m just doing it in reaction to what he does or says like when we added the American flags after he pointed out we had none at the convention. Wasn’t easy buying those flags last minute, surprisingly.

Today, fundraising with the one percenters. Last I checked there weren’t a lot of those in Louisiana. Will stick to the Northeast and the money.

More later.

Martha’s VIneyard

No, Donald, I wasn’t sleeping. I was in Martha’s Vineyard. And, yes, I’m tired – but…. I’m still going.

Why in GOD’s name do people spend time on Martha’s Vineyard? It’s hot. There are more mosquitos there than people. Swarms of mosquitos. Half the island doesn’t serve alcohol. I just don’t understand the love for this place. It smells funny.

Worst part – they all love Obama here. I strolled into a quaint little store to show everyone I care about the people. Wave and smile, laugh, shake hands, couple of selfies. Make sure I take my sunglasses off. Learned that one the hard way, makes me look snobbish.

The store had big pretty painted signs on wood. Saw large “Obama Rolls” signs and other great big wooden signs with “Beware Sharks.” I muttered “Where are the Beware Obama signs?” No one heard me, but the media would have loved that one.

They love him. He’s here playing golf, they just adore him.

Why don’t people love me like that? And, yes, fricking Donald. I’m tired. Get over it.

More later.

Tim Kaine

Why didn’t Tim Kaine’s wife take his last name?

I’m having trouble with Tim. His smile is just annoying. He is about as boring as boring gets. I’M BORED – not a great slogan. Safe choice? Just kind of freaks me out at this point.

Jesus… the VP debates? Couldn’t get me to watch if you paid me…

Speaking of getting paid… Bill says we made more than a 100 million dollars from Middle East countries recently. I didn’t realize it was that much. But, I owe them.

Another relaxing day today. Spent some time watching Fox News. How does Kimberly Guilfoyle get her lips so plump? I’d kill to be her age.

Sending someone out for Krispy Kreme. Need some comfort food. Just depressing how we can’t raise any money. An aide suggested we go to the people on another “bus tour” to save money. Not on your life. It’s bad enough that I have to shake people’s hands and smile for selfies. Not going to happen from a bus tour. Non-negotiable.

Thoughts flying everywhere. Little bit of anxiety tonight. Lots going on. Today I forgot where I was. That’s normal, I’m sure. I’m in so many places and I think it’s normal to get disoriented and confused from time to time….

More later.

Humble Trump


Crap. We will just play it like it doesn’t matter. He didn’t mean it.

We will keep baiting him and see if he’s really changed. Which he hasn’t. And the media won’t let him off the hook.

Ok. Another issue. Need to focus on getting as much money from foreign governments into the Foundation as possible in the next few months since Bill announced we will stop taking money from foreign governments. AFTER I’m elected.

Of course, there are plenty of ways around that statement. The foreign entities can give money to another US Charity and then the money will be given to us. We aren’t stupid. There are so many loopholes in that statement – and who cares anyway? That can’t be a conflict of interest when I’m President, can it? So, I owe a few people a few favors…..

I’m Anti-Education or Democrats Suck

Idiots. I’m not anti-education. But, apparently I can’t be pro-education.

After saying today that we need to mix it up….Give a speech on education or something new. Let’s get away from the stuff I’m losing on like Law, Order, National Security and the Economy.

The polls say one thing – I’m doing well. But, follow the money and I’m losing to The Donald.

So, I say “let’s focus on something new – let’s give a speech on Education.” Great idea. Right?

Apparently not. I can’t run on Education because I’ve tied myself to Obama. The public school system has been in decline for years. But, even worse in the Obama years. The majority of the worst 10 states for public education are Governed by Democrats. We just need to stay away from the topic. There is no proof I’m for it, or Obama is for it. Because it’s horrible. And, we did nothing to stop the decline.

Also, I can’t run on what I did as a Senator. Renaming a bridge isn’t sexy. I really also did nothing as First Lady. And, let’s not even remember my tenure as Secretary of State. Nothing positive. All those freaking trips and I have nothing?

My website is awesome on education, I mean — just full of empty promises – but looks good and sound good — but really, truly, I have nothing to back it up.

I’m wondering, besides attacking Donald for being “dangerous” — just exactly what record can I run on successfully? Little depressed right now. Maybe some vodka or chocolate would help. I do have the media on my side still. So, I’m sure it will be good.

More later.