
I hate him. Just so upset. He stole eight of the best years of my life. I would have been a great President 8 years ago. I would have beaten McCain. McCain’s a great guy, but he’s a normal politician. I would have beaten Romney. A decent guy, too, very smart. But, too plastic. I was on my game. Sure, I had normal scandals that have surrounded us for years, but I was on my game. I had energy. I cared more. Now, I’m having trouble just going through the motions.

Obama was young. He could be running and winning now, easily. The country would want him.

Me? I schlepped all over the world as Secretary of State. Ridiculous number of miles as he sat in the Oval Office and played golf. And, now 8 years later, I have racked up so many more scandals —they are dragging me down. I can’t hold press conferences because I’m having trouble keeping track of the lies, the lies about my lies and what I can and cannot recall or can or cannot blame on the ineptitude of my advisors. It should be Obama running against Dangerous Donald. Not me. Not now. Not me.

It should be me leaving the White House, fat and happy after 8 years. Not him.

Horrible. I deserve better. Thanks, Obama.

More later…


Trump in Detroit? Another place I’m not going. The people that live in Detroit don’t even want to be in Detroit. Not on anyone’s list of places to visit. One of America’s shrinking cities, bankrupt or on the verge of bankruptcy at all times.

Dr. Ben Carson? Another person I’m glad I’m not running against.

Im just going to keep yelling “Racist” at Trump. People believe. Doesn’t matter that I know personally he’s not a bigot. Yell it loud enough and say it enough and the dumb electorate believe. Perfect.

More later.

FBI and Emails

“I don’t recall” should be my slogan. Tagline. Motto. Nickname. Forgetful Hillary? Careless Clinton?

For sure better than saying “I screwed up. I probably put US and various assets at risk because of the use of my emails. I wanted private server because it was convenient and I thought Bleachbit would actually clean out the ones I didn’t want the public to know about….I wanted to hide some of my dealings…”

Certainly shouldn’t mean I can’t be trusted when I’m the most powerful person in the world.

More later.


Crazy Ann Coulter

Ann thinks Trump has more chance of winning than losing. Really, Ann? Crazy…get off the crackpipe Ann Coulter…

Could people really elect Trump over me? I mean stranger things have happened but – could I have peaked too early? Are people connecting the dots and figuring that the nickname “Crooked Hillary” is actually very fitting? Is the koolaid wearing off?

Tired and cranky today – even though we announced raising an awesome amount of money – it was only a little more than $62 million for me – so less than July really. Pathetic. The other dems got over $80 million to try and hold off the Republicans on the down ballot. Trump didn’t announce yet. So, maybe he didn’t do as well as we thought he would. That would be a silver lining if true.

Going to be a lot closer than people think, unfortunately. And a long, hard, tiresome road for me. And counting down to the debates. Nothing good.

Vodka please.

More later.

Senor Trump

My advisors told me not to watch the Trump Immigration speech, so I didn’t. But, I heard, even with the orange hair, he looked and sounded quite Presidential.

The numbers aren’t out yet, but even with all the fundraising in Martha’s Hellhole and California (like $60 million for a few events?), my team thinks Trump possibly outperformed us in August in terms of dollars raised. No way. They are really paranoid. Stupid and paranoid.

But, they keep saying he’s doing better and I’m doing worse. Overheard a conversation between some of my people where they were talking about me hiding more. “Keeping her at home is best. The more they see and hear from her, the more they dislike her.”

Little frustrating. Stupid people.

Have to keep being positive. At least I’m not running against Cruz or Rubio. Or someone really smart like Newt. I’d really hate to debate him. He knows everything. If he ends up being the White House Chief of Staff for Trump… that would be a pretty good team. What am I thinking? I’m winning and will have Huma by my side. No chance The Donald can keep going up while I go down…I know the people want more of the same. More of what Obama was doing. The media loves me. The people love me. People trust me. Oh, there is that pesky poll that says almost 70% of the country doesn’t find me trustworthy. But, who believes the polls?

And, even if they don’t love me, the media has done such a great job making them fear The Donald. Master manipulation. Twisting everything he says to make him sound like someone they should legitimately fear. Fear is a powerful motivator. A vote against him is a vote for me. As long as the media keeps that up, I’ll be fine.

More later…


American Legion

Was a little difficult today speaking to the American Legion. Could not tell if the lackluster support from the crowd was because they didn’t like what I had to say or if they forgot their hearing aids or maybe both.

They may have wanted to hear how I was going to fix the VA or support the Military. But, I actually had other things more important to say. And, I need to save some of my blatant lies for other important things, too.

I wanted to make a point that it was stupid of Trump to meet with the Mexican President. I mean, why go to Mexico? The best Mexican food is in California. Also, my chef makes great Mexican food. Why go to Louisiana? My chef makes Cajun food, too. Seems like a hassle. He’s a fool to reach out to the people and to our neighboring leaders.

And, the worst part of today? After taking almost 5 days out of the public eye (some partying in the Hamptons with the night of the living dead types) I have to start back on cameras when I’m having a bad hair day. Quite depressing.

More later.

Bleachbit take 2

I want my money back. The whole point of using Bleachbit is to get rid of everything forever. How did that not work?

The freedom of information act is a joke. The people should only know what I want them to know. Nothing more. All ridiculous. They don’t understand what it takes to run a country, to be a public servant and still want to give your daughter a decent wedding for $3 million dollars. Lines have to be blurred a little. Money comes from where it comes from and deals are made. Not all good deals, but who cares? It’s normal. People don’t need to know about any of it.

My husband was a great President. Sure, the Oval Office had to be cleaned throughly after he left, not sure what happened where, but the country was happy.

We did a good job cashing in on our name. And the Foundation has done a lot of good. So, the public should take the good with the bad… What they don’t know probably won’t hurt them. Probably not. Just a few people killed here and there. Cover ups here and there. Couple of bad deals. And a few chits left to still be cashed in. But might not be that bad. Not 100 percent bought and paid for.

More later.




Don Cheadle

Wow! Die in a Grease fire, Donald Trump!

Let’s see… Donald Trump said “maybe there is something the Second Amendment people can do about me becoming President.” And everyone wants to lock him up for Treason.

Cheadle tells Trump to DIE in a grease fire and it’s nothing? Love it.

Wonder what someone would do if an actor said I should die in a grease fire?  Love to watch the media get red hot on that!

I’ve heard Cheadle is supportive of many charitable causes – he plays in charity golf tournaments anyway. I’d  like to see him show up on South Side of Chicago. I bet he goes same time I do. When pigs fly. Ha.

More vodka. Ha again. I’m seriously getting funnier by the day! Meant to write More later…

The Black Vote Again

The other black guy not voting for me (along with Larry Elder, Ben Carson, Colin Powell and Herman Cain) is Sheriff Clarke.

I get that he’s not a fan considering the negativity I continually show towards law enforcement — and the pretty bad treatment of police by Obama. Police are guilty until proven innocent in Obama’s mind.

I knew he didn’t like me but didn’t actually know he was black until I saw a picture of him today. He’s hoping Trump will support police and help restore law and order. Also, he’s a big second amendment guy. Me, not so much. Gonna make sure the judges I appoint take away the Second Ammendment. First Ammendment maybe also — who knows. Gonna be fun!

I hope everyone has forgotten that I didn’t go to Louisiana by now. Not going catch me going into the South side of Chicago or Detroit or Ferguson for that matter either. Love the black votes, but they are voting for me without me going to them. They’re with me. I’m with me, too.

More later…


Tim Kaine take 2

Holy crap is he boring. He goes out in my place for a few days and doesn’t hit the news cycle once …. Well, except one news anchor that compared him to the guy that’s in the picture frame when you buy a cheap frame. Basically Nobody.

There were some priests that were protesting at his church. I don’t know. Weird Catholic crap. No other blip in the radar at all.

He annoys me. That typical Harvard attitude — “I’m a friend of everyone but I’m still better than you” bull. And, yes, I can’t get over that he looks like the creepy science teacher I hated in middle school. Then his wife, wow — she looks down on me, too. Like “my husband has always been loyal and good to me – how about yours?” — I want to say to her “well, mine was President of the United States and yes, screws everybody but yours reminds me of luke warm oatmeal so you can kiss my ass. For a minute.”

Hmmm…it’s a good night to vent. Have Barbra Streisand and Jimmy Carter peddling people for money for me now. Hopefully people on our email list will actually know who the two of them are and be slightly moved to send money…Barbra the recluse and Jimmy, worst President ever. We must be desperate.

Yikes, have to actually see people again tomorrow. Yuck.

More later…