Dangerous Donald

It should be enough just to say, “Trump sucks.” That should be enough of a platform. 50 days to go.

I don’t need to say what I’m for. Some days I don’t even know what I am for, so would be pretty hard to talk about it.

Just need to convince everyone to be scared of Trump. It hasn’t helped me in the polls lately, but I’m sure that’s about to change. I’m great. Just ask me.

More later.


Bill Clinton’s 70th

Well, what’s a quarter of a million dollars between friends?

Bill’s b-day bash. If “bash” is what you would use to describe a warmed-over group of people who paid thousands to suck up to me and Bill in the hopes of parlaying favors of some kind — and then me standing there treating them like they are the big deal and not me. I’m the big deal. So, yeah, not my idea of a “bash.”

$250,000 to be a top contributor to a bday party. Now that’s rob from the rich and give to the – who am I kidding – give to the Clintons. Seems fine to me, actually.

More later.

Feeling better, maybe the “Pneumonia” is over. Although, perhaps I can pull off a remission right before debates. Or, hope for a world event (terrorist act?) that causes postponement …






Michelle Obama

Daily download from today’s speech included:

you looked angry and that’s unflattering

you need to stop looking crazy, when you make your eyes big when you are making a point you just look crazy

try and look more and sound more like Michelle Obama

it’s hard to get people to like you when you are annoying

and the obvious – don’t yell


Stupid advisors. I thought I was great.

More later.


Campaign “Glitch”

Caught with our hands in the cookie jar.

I guess some of our donors are getting charged multiple times when they make a one-time donation.

Perhaps we knew better than they did how much they really wanted to give…

Will have to look into how bad and widespread is. I mean it’s not that hard to believe we would steal from the people. Remember Bill explaining the Foundation by saying something along the lines of “we rob from the rich to give to the poor?” — well this is like “we rob from the poor to give to the campaign” — not a huge difference, right?

I’m sure we can blame on the hacks or just have some people take the 5th. Seems to have worked before.

More later.


Note to self —

This is a note, in case I forget, to NEVER watch ISIS videos. I don’t think I should even say the word ISIS or radical Islam or anything that has anything to do with that kind of thing. Like if I don’t say it, it doesn’t exist… right?

Syrian refugees? I’m sure they are all fine. No way ISIS would try and come in as a refugee and hurt the US citizens, I’m very sure. That doesn’t happen. Can’t happen. Right?

But, these ISIS guys. They aren’t good.

After days in bed, watching reruns on TV and searching through Internet comments about Trump and me and Creepy Kaine and Bill and others, I found this horrible video apparently of ISIS marking a holy time by slaughtering “spies” like sheep. Hanging them by their feet and slitting their throats. Lots of them. Just letting the blood drain into metal grates. Like a horror movie. Like we are living in a real life horror movie.

Other videos of:

drowning people alive in cages

burning people alive

using children as executioners


mass shootings/executions

I mean, I cannot stomach The Walking Dead which I know is all fake. So, these real life videos — just not something I need to watch. John Kerry suggested that the media stop telling Americans about terrorist activities, at all – why do they need to know these things? I totally agree. Mark me in favor of controlling what the media reports on. The public doesn’t need to know everything.

Idea: get a group of government officials to decide what can and cannot be told to the people. Tranparency is for losers.

More later.


Tim Kaine Again

I’m not obsessed with Tim Kaine. I just can’t get over the fact that I don’t like him. At all.

It’s beyond his personality. I cannot even look at him or watch him anymore. He looks like a ventriloquist dummy. Those pudgy cheeks and vapid eyes. Killing me.

As much as I like to be away from the people, God knows….As much as I’m enjoying the solitude without Bill around… I’m just really peeved that Bill and Creepy Kaine are my surrogates.

Last note of the day: how does Trump trump me on paid maternity leave? Wtf. Much harder to talk about his hatred of women when his policies sound so sane and so IN FAVOR of working moms and middle class families. He almost has me fooled.

More later…


Dangerous Donald again

For my memoirs: the nicest person to me during my “illness” was The Donald, “I hope she gets better soon and we see her on the campaign trail…” Yuck.

Sounding way too Presidential.

Bill causing havoc at the Bay Area airports as he pinch hits for me on the campaign/fundraising trail  — all kinds of delays. Not that I care. Just probably bugs some travelers — maybe a few miss their connections? Some advisor mentioned it to me as if they thought I would care…? Really? I couldn’t care less.

Anyway, even my staff being a little mean about this “illness.” But I got some kudos for a few phone call-ins. I sound good on the phone, I guess. We could probably keep that up for a while. Even as President.

Who does Trump think he is? The Energizer Bunny? Just unbelievable.

Back to bed. Vodka, bed and a nice movie. Screw everybody else. I’m with me. Sounds good, will keep that in mind for the title of my memoirs. I’m with me. Sounds good.

More later.



Such a funny word. Pneumonia. Almost sounds made-up.

Pissed off at the media today. Let’s see, Benghazi, Emails, foreign donations to the foundation and more ….. and they turn on me for a little sickness?

The worst thing is Creepy Kaine is salivating at the thought that he could actually be President if it’s true and my health isn’t good enough to make it four years. “Mr. I’m not as interesting as breakfast food” as the President of the United States of America? Over my dead body. Actually, I’m sure that’s what’s he’s hoping for. My dead body. Not a chance, Tim.

Joe Biden probably gearing up to jump in. All makes me more ill.

Happy to be home in bed. I come off as confident but my favorite place is at home, in bed, doing nothing. And away from people. Maybe I can blame one of Donald’s deplorables for getting me “sick.” Will test it in a focus group first…

Still wish I had “Zika” instead of “Pneumonia.”

More later.

Pneumonia Hillary

Maybe Trump can give me a new nickname finally and drop corrupt Hillary. Contagious Hillary would be better.

My “Pneumonia” – not sure that was the right way to go. I’ve been in Florida a lot and Zika seemed like the logical plan. Pneumonia just sounds like something old, weak people get. Zika is for the young. The vibrant. Crap. “Pneumonia” is the best we could do? And also stage a hug with a little girl for the cameras? Um, isn’t Pneumonia contagious?

My advistors are idiots.

The best thing about being “sick” is I get to ditch the press and public for a while. Hopefully a few weeks. But, no way I’ll be that lucky.

What is wrong with a little wobble? We’ve had Presidents propped up during speeches and also in wheelchairs. The problem is Twitter. The media didn’t photograph me falling. None of them would have showed the public my wobble. It was a disgusting regular person with an iPhone and a Twitter account. Would be great to shut that down. Nationalize Apple? Censor Twitter, Facebook and others? Hmm… May have to consider that.

More later.