Ok, so I am confused. Totally confused. Little recap of some of my thoughts.
- Cuomo – chosen to talk about Coronavirus China Flu response. And how great NY was. And how bad Trump was. Never mind that he personally ordered positive Covid cases into retirement and long term facilities that led to thousands of deaths. His own mandate. And that there are many times that he personally thanked Trump and federal government for their response. On camera. Even I know that.
- Clinton – and then we get Bill “I did not have sex with that woman” Clinton to say what should or shouldn’t happen in the Oval Office. I’m pretty sure that is the best example of hypocrisy in the history of the US. Monica, anyone?
- Kamala – she says something like “I’m going to protect the people and ensure justice for all”?? Really? Comma La? Who refused to look into or prosecute people who were reported numerous times to have abused and sexually battered children. Internet searches exist still, right? I never know with big tech on our side, maybe they can erase her past?
- Michelle Obama – “Joe and me and Barack have empathy. Democrats have empathy.” As #wrongtrump was trending on twitter accounts the other day when Robert Trump died. Empathy? She slammed Trump for kids in cages, which actually happened under me and Barack.
And “Trump is in over his head” said no one to me ever. “Biden is over his head” is what I hear on Zooms calls daily when they think I’m not listening. Kidding, of course. It’s more like “keep him in the basement, he really cannot do this.” Totally different. - Barack – gives us a history and constitutional lesson. Even for those, like me, who admire the guy…. he is not the President to give lectures on what the Presidential powers should be. He has been described as the “most lawless” President in history. A President who saw himself as personally and professionally above the law… time and time again ignoring the executive branch’s legal limits and disrespecting constitutional bounds like federalism and the separation of powers. Well, with Barack, he looked great and sounded great. So what came out of his mouth probably not an issue at all. I wonder if I can fit into his suit? He looked amazing.
- Dr. Jill – perfect in every way. Move on. The rest of the speakers were a little iffy. But I heard people are not even watching … so it should be fine.
Maybe I’m being too picky. I mean it’s just politics. It’s like:
- We say: “Voting by mail is great.” While New Jersey orders a new election because of mail-in ballot fraud. And 1 in 5 votes weren’t counted in NY because there were problems with mail-in ballots. Nothing to see here.
- We say “no Democrat wants open borders” while we push to decriminalize illegal border crossing and prop up sanctuary cities, proving we want open borders. Reality isn’t reality.
- We say, “Democrats don’t want to kill babies” while we push for and put in place laws that allow for abortions up to the minute a mother is giving birth to a viable baby in two states and push to require tax paid and insurance paid abortions at every turn. It is what it is.
I don’t know. I have my big speech tonight. Can’t wait to read what my platform is! Oh, wait, I think I recorded it already. Well, will be fun to watch it to see what my platform is! Good stuff, I’m sure. I remember wishing I could have said more about Hunter, but for some reason they said no.
Come on, man.