Gollum. James Carville. They let him out from whatever rock he lives under or should live in or under. And he’s on every f*ing news station.
People like me less every time they see me.
And every time people see him? He is makes people run from the Democratic Party. He is “certain I will win” which is kinda like saying “she never misses a three-foot putt” right before I yip and miss it.
I mean, I have no idea what that means, and I’m bad at math, but the guy on my team with what looks like a bat in his hair said it. And then explained it.
He’s jinxing you, Harris. We have gollum, or a goblin, or a burn victim —- whatever you want to call him … he’s not a good look, he’s not someone anyone wants to hear from. And… he’s on the air today sucking up all the oxygen.
Which might be ok. The alternative would be airing pieces of the interview I just did where I touched my nose 3,000 times and laughed like a hyena.
We good.