After months of being told what to do, being scolded for idiotic things I have said or done — well, I got my turn.
Yeah, one of my favorite pastimes — yelling at and/or belittling the staff.
And it was a glorious 30 minute of yelling at the staff that told me to miss the Al Smith dinner. Because that “calculated risk” —- well, it was the wrong choice. Missing it was the wrong choice. Putting together the dumb video — also the wrong choice.
The risk — pissing off the Muslims and the LGBTQ community by supporting a Catholic event — well, instead…. I get most of the country laughing at me, thinking I can’t speak on my feet without a teleprompter, thinking I can’t make correct choices — AND I really angered the Catholics, and apparently (according to internal polling) motivated them to vote. And not for me.
I have earned a nasty reputation as an alleged “soul-destroying” workplace “bully”. I have something like a 95% turnover rate in my staffers. I can’t put together cogent statements that outline what we need to do together as a team and build cohesiveness — but I can treat people as if they have no value, swear at them, and make them wish they never met me.
If I lose this election, they will look back at that one night, at that one video and that one missed dinner. And say it was to blame for the loss. That, and maybe my annoying voice, generally.
It’s a widely held belief that Hillary lost by ignoring the rust belt, and calling half the country “deplorables” — and my missing this dinner looks like it’s the “straw that broke the camel’s back” for Catholics, a large voting block.
They seem to have had enough of the Democrats demeaning their religion. We have championed drag queens dressing up as nuns, arrested church goers during Covid, and Gretchen Whitmer recently made fun of holy communion by feeding a scantily dressed woman a Dorito chip… our side is basically anti-Catholic bigotry on steroids.
“You’re not going to go to hell for voting Democrat” was their line at the DNC — even as we touted abortion as our number one priority.
But this has changed drastically. They have had enough. And their new line is — “to hell with the Democrats. Vote Red, vote for freedom of religion, vote as if your life depended on it, vote the anti-Catholic party out — across the board. Gather your family, grab your neighbors, and walk over broken glass if you need to… but vote for anyone Red on any ticket. Hold your nose if you have to, but vote Trump in. Today.”
Hey — they stole that “hold your nose thing” from us. That’s not fair.
And that’s a problem. 25 percent of the voters — now have a motivation to vote against me. But I did have a fun 30 minutes yelling at my staff. So it’s not all bad.
We good-ish.