October Surprise

Status meeting. I was hoping for an awesome “October Surprise” — something that would secure my victory and put me on the throne.

And what was my October surprise courtesy of my great team? This brilliant collection of comrades steering my campaign decisions!?

They said we need to change the message to:

“Hold your nose and vote for Kamala.”

That’s it!? I thought they were pulling a prank.

But they explained… our campaign had so much wonderful momentum. It peaked twice — once when Joe pulled out and they gave the spot to me. And once at and around the DNC.

Our campaign peaked before anyone had heard from me… and then again after a brilliant, very well-rehearsed speech with a ton of hype and some of the best warm-up speakers the Dems have to offer. And they don’t think there is a third peak on the horizon.

Quite the opposite actually — apparently — the more that voters see and hear from me, the less they like me. And at the slow decline in the poll numbers we have going week over week, we aren’t going to make it to the finish line.

And there isn’t an option to put me in the basement — after we hid Biden away, voters just won’t take it.

And we know our platform is widely unpopular. So we can’t try and sell that. Oh sure, I can try and word salad stuff and wrap it up in a pretty bow and hope no one checks. But, a majority of American people actually want what Trump is selling — mass deportations, (especially criminals), closed borders with legal immigration as the only form of entry, school choice, no more biological men in women’s sports, decreased energy costs, being stronger on the international stage, no more wars, strength against China and other adversaries… no tax on tips, lower taxes, more safety, lower regulation, smaller government (Musk watching efficiency), healthier population (RFK Jr. watching over this), and bright women and men like Tulsi Gabbard and Vivek what’shisname helping America be great.


So, we can’t sell our message of increased government, higher taxes, high inflation… I mean, screaming “but we will give you abortions” has started to become very old news. According to my staff.

So, we are forced to shift messaging to:

“You may not like her, but hold your nose and vote for her anyway.”

So. We pivot. And tell people —- just do it. Hold your nose and vote for Kamala.

I think they are making up signs for our rallies now.


I guess we good.

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