Lyin’ Kamala

It’s not really me, it’s them.

Ok, sure I can tell a doozy, stretch the truth, make up things, twist the “facts” — I can and do lie. Frankly, a lot.

But really, it’s my surrogates, the supporters on social media platforms, it’s The Lincoln Project — that is a “conservative group” — “Kamala Wins” and Kamala HQ twitter feeds, and the entire main stream media — CNN, CBS, MSNBC, ABC — most of the alphabet — even FOX at times. It’s a large machine of fake news.

Biden. Now he can and does lie. A shit ton. Take his favorite one “the very fine people” lie. He loves to repeat that Trump is a racist because he said something to the effect of “there are very fine people on both sides” — in the protests on whether or not to keep a statue in Charlottesville. What Sleepy Joe repeatedly claims is Trump thinks neo-nazis are “very fine people.” Which is not true. It’s a clever manipulation of different words — and has been often repeated by media and our online surrogates. But it’s a lie.

Trump meant — that there were very fine people on both sides of whether to keep the statue of Robert E. Lee or not — obvious to anyone who has spent more than a minute looking at the controversy. Some that wanted to keep it were arguing that we should not rid ourselves of the ugly past but keep it as a reminder. Some had other reasons to keep it — historical, artistic, slippery slope, etc. — but not everyone who wanted to keep it were white nationalist/neo-nazis.

The debate and protests about the statue turned ugly and white supremacists marched on Charlottesville and a woman lost her life when one of the bigoted hate-filled men intentionally drove his car into the protests and hit her and others. Horrible.

But what did Trump actually say? He said the day of those protests, “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. On many sides.” 

He went further to say that he had spoken to Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, and “we agreed that the hate and the division must stop, and must stop right now. We have to come together as Americans with love for our nation and true affection — really — and I say this so strongly — true affection for each other.”

When asked about The “very fine people” comment itself, Trump explained, “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists.”

He further, in the days that followed, condemned neo-nazis, white nationalists, and any form of bigotry many, many, times. But does it matter?

Does it matter that he isn’t racist, or homophobic, or Islamophobia, or any of the things we like to call him? It’s so easy to call him Hitler and walk away. It’s much harder to explain to people that we will do better for America than he will. Because they know. They saw the peace and prosperity under Trump.

And a lie, when repeated enough, becomes the truth.

Trump — He hires people from all backgrounds. All races, all sexes, all genders — anyone he thinks can do the job. He had the first openly gay cabinet member — Richard Grenell — Acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI).

He’s a tough boss with high expectations. And, he’s not a government, warmongering Washington insider. So, he’s often disliked by the people who are. But the lie that he is racist? Or bigoted or anti-Semitic. It’s so easy and so brilliant.

He frequently continually condemns racism, bigotry, hate and antisemitism like:

TRUMP: “The riots in Charlottesville a year ago resulted in senseless death and division… I condemn all types of racism and acts of violence.” (August 11, 2018)

TRUMP: “We forcefully condemn the evil of anti-Semitism and hate. It must be defeated.” (April 27, 2019)

    But, his words are rarely repeated. And we have a big group, a large Big-Tech, mainstream media, Soros funded conglomerate that says the opposite.

    And voters so busy with their video games and their second jobs (to be able to afford milk and gas under my economy) … the people just don’t take the time (or have the time) to check for themselves.

    It’s brilliant. No one wants a racist as President. So we made him one. Even though he’s not. Who’s counting? In the choice between incompetence and evil, people will choose incompetence— even when the evil is as real as the boogie man under my bed.

    We good.

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