Hard Sell

I’m not a brain surgeon, but selling the Democratic Party as the MORE patriotic party? That’s a hard sell.

The Democrats. The party of flag burning, kneeling for the anthem, supporting the BLM rioters, allowing criminals to invade the southern border… the party that has bragged about wanting to limit free speech (both me and Walz), the party who branded parents asking questions at school board meetings terrorists, the party planning to do everything in our power to obliterate Title IX which is a fundamental civil right law for women… the party that jailed journalists, said we need to defund the police and eliminate ICE… The party that waves the Ukraine flag in the Senate and let the Palestine flag replace the American flag outside…

The party who used lawfare to try and keep two candidates off the ballot — Trump and RFK Jr. Never mind what the voters may want — we sued to not even give voters the ability to vote for our opponents.

The party that weaponized the IRS against our political opponents, the party that believes in hiring people not because of their abilities or work ethic — but because of their skin color or gender.

The party that worked with BIG TECH to silence any political opponents, anyone that questioned vaccines, anyone at all that may have been telling 100 percent truth — but that didn’t fit our narratives. Silenced. F the first amendment.

The party that tried to put moms in jail because their kids were truant — it didn’t matter than their kids were in the hospital … all that mattered was our narrative.

The party that effectively burned colleges like Berkeley in order to stop ONE conservative speaker from being allowed in.

The party that would not allow peaceful protests from pro-Israel supporters, but championed the pro-Hamas side because “their speech should be protected.”

The party that called 1/2 the country bigots, deplorables… the party that would end parental rights…

The party that jailed grandmothers for going to the gym or trying to keep their businesses open during the pandemic. That arrested surfers. Or gym owners for making workout gear available for free American citizens who were doing their best to stay healthy in a pandemic. But paid to get rioters out of jail that caused approximately $500 million dollars worth of damage and killed 25 people during their rampage.

The party that squashed freedom of religion by forcing churches to close — while strip clubs and Walmart could be open.

The party that took money from big Pharma and told every American to get a vaccine or lose their ability to work or go to school. Put on a mask, sit down, shut up, and put a jab in their arms. No matter the health risk or your individual freedom to have healthcare choices for your own bodies.

Wait. Where was I? Yes. All of that list is fine. And dandy. We definitely want government control over everything.

But if we smile, call Trump a threat a few more times — will that be enough to sell us as the more patriotic group?

Maybe. People really hate him. Are they willing to give up their country — allow more rapists, murderers, and terrorists in? Allow their rights to … well, go away? And vote for the me, the “MORE Patriotic” choice now that I have a video of me with a flag in it and one of me putting diapers in boxes that are headed to hurricane victims?

Probably? Maybe it’s not that hard of a sell. I don’t think people are paying attention anymore. And the video of me with a flag in the background is pretty cool.

We good.

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