RFK Who?

I have to be nice to RFK Jr. this week. His mother, a great American, supporter of human rights, mother to 11, an objectively great person, passed away last week.

May she be a light for others, and rest in peace.

But. And here’s the kicker. My staff — I guess to punish me for my “bad interviews” this week (their words, not mine) — made me listen to the RFK Jr. livestream last night from Palm Beach in the free state of Florida.


Specifically to listen to Tulsi Gabbard.


The staff just loves the way she speaks. Maybe they are optimistic that if I listen her I might learn (from her) how to answer a question, be coherent, patriotic, passionate, etc. in a way that is meaningful for the listener.

To get to Tulsi, we had to sit through Bobby, then Don Jr., then Vivek… and finally Tulsi.

My staff shook their heads for most of it. A few times there were audible gasps. It also started raining (and it was an outdoor event) so there were a few cracks about the Democrats controlling the weather and wrecking things — but the show went on. With umbrellas.

In our room, watching and listening I could hear mumbles like, “Thank goodness we shut Bobby out of the race, stopped the press from talking to him, and used big tech and law fare to silence him in many places — he could really motivate people if more people were able to listen to him” and “Damn, he’s amazing, just listen to him organize his points and speak logically and passionately” and “It’s a shame he’s not on our side anymore” and “the man sure knows how to garner support” and “this Anti-establishment rhetoric he’s got going could really hurt us” and “he should be President”

Wait – what? Like— I’m in the room! Right here — what am I —- chopped liver?

And more… “Vivek is incredibly articulate” and “Don Jr. speaks very movingly”…

And then Tulsi. Someone said, “shut up everyone and listen.”

Ok. So I listened. She has a great little tale about government and big tech combining forces to go after her and parents and the rest of America. And the fear (and facts and examples to back this fear up) — that Americans will lose fundamental freedoms if I win. And, it did sound good. It made a lot of sense. I have to admit, she is impressive.

And then, when everything finally ended, the staff turned to me and sat there speechless for a few minutes.

“What!?” I finally said.

“There is no way we could ever get you there, no way you could ever be as good as her — or any of them. We could dream, but you just will never be her. We will just have to hope the media keeps doing their job in propping you up. And that they keep this group — this Unity bullshit — off the air as much as possible. It’s our only hope at this point. Go to bed, Kamala. We got a long few weeks ahead.”

We good…..? I’m not so sure.

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