Sit Down and Shut Up

We can get rid of the Freedom of Speech.

I know Freedom of Speech is considered a fundamental right protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution— and the Constitution is “the bedrock of Democracy” — but we would like nothing more to curtail it wherever we want.

Timmy and I allude to it in nearly all of our speeches — and personals appearances —but do people care? We are the party of joy, and beyond that — I genuinely think the voters say, “take away our freedoms” because we aren’t “that terrible monster” Trump.

I harp on and on about Trump being an existential and threat to Democracy… and on and on…

But, I guess if voters digged just a little bit into what we want to do… I mean — getting rid of Freedom of Speech is just the tip of the iceberg.

How will we take away the Freedom of Speech? Well, first of all, we can label things misinformation or hate speech. Anything that doesn’t go along with the government (or my view) could be disinformation/misinformation. Anything that doesn’t go along with the government view (or my view) could be also be labeled hate speech.

For example — it’s ok by me to go on college campuses and hold protest signs that call for the destruction of Israel and the mass murder of the Jewish people living in that state. Because these are valid protests, protected by our administration as protected freedom of speech.

But — on the other hand — parents who would like to speak up (even silently) about what they (and most scientists and most studies) consider to be unfair to their daughters — letting biological boys play against them in their sports — those parents should sit down and shut up. Or, maybe worse. Be harshly penalized? Jailed?

Take the parents of some high school girls in New Hampshire. They wanted to protest biological boys playing against their daughters in their soccer league. They did this by wearing pink wristbands with XX on them.

Their protest (wearing wristbands) was deemed hate speech/harassment and they were banned from all remaining games — one banned from campus. That seems fair.

Never mind that they weren’t actually saying anything against the LGBTQ community, or the specific biological boys in their daughters’ district who identified as girls — they were merely asking the school district to recognize that Title IX was put into place to protect women’s sports and allow women to have an equal playing field — to avoid having them compete with men. And, they were concerned for their girls’ rights and their safety.

And then — they were banned from all games and one from even going on campus. Because they wore pink wristbands.

They weren’t calling for the transgender girls to be harmed or actually saying anything negative at all about those individuals. (Like the college campus protests are that we support, but who’s counting?)

But does that matter? It just doesn’t really agree with our government view or our narrative that puts the biological boys who identify as girls rights above biological girls’ rights.

Some judge just ruled they could go back to their own children’s games — if they don’t wear the wristbands. They are not allowed to disagree with what government says. They are not allowed to protest policies forced on them by the government. Forced on their daughters and granddaughters.

And that’s great. There should be a lot more of this. I’m so excited I’m almost giddy. There are parents who want a voice on how to raise their kids all across America. Parents who would like to see Title IX upheld and have their children competing against other people of the same sex.

But decisions about how you can raise your kids — this should clearly be the role of the government. Walz correctly took parental rights away in Minnesota — and we can do that across the country.

This is going to be great!

We good.

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