No One Likes Her

I’m not talking about me. People like me.

Communists like me, terrorists like me, parents who have yet to understand that I am in favor of stripping all their rights in choices about their kids — they like me, women who want a woman for President and haven’t figured out (or choose to ignore) that I don’t care about women’s sports or women in general — they like me, and people who hate Trump — they like me.

People like me; they really, really like me.

It’s Liz Cheney that no one can stand.

And me? I have to go to the “birthplace of the Republican Party” today — some shitty “Little White Schoolhouse” in Wisconsin with her. Fuck.

I can see why no one likes her. She is not easy to be around. She’s smug — she always acts like she’s the smartest in the room. I don’t care who her fucking daddy was — Lizard (that’s what I like to call her behind her back because she reminds me of a fat, slimy, lizard) — I don’t care who her Daddy is or was… I don’t like her.

Democrats don’t like her because it’s people like her who propped up Trump and she should not be able to wash her hands from that stain — ever — no matter how many times she says she hates him now. Also — she has attacked Democrats for their “ridiculous wokeness.” How dare she! Our ridiculous wokeness is our strength! It’s how we choose our leaders, it’s the most important thing to add to school curriculums — who care about reading and writing? It’s so much better to spend tax payer money to add in gender talks for kindergartners and first graders. They should learn early there are at least 72 genders and more being added all the time! And have drag queens do their story time! How dare she say this is ridiculous!?

And Republicans? Cheney was VERY badly defeated in her last race — and conceded quickly. They hate her for chumming up to Nervous Nancy and the other Democrats and pretending to be a “Republican” on the January 6th witch hunt committee.

And to some people on both sides — Liz “the chubby turn coat” as they like to call her (no one likes a smug, chubby, turn coat) — along with her father — is known to have led the United States into a strategically disastrous war in the Middle East on the basis of lies and misrepresentations… one of the worst cons in American political history, resulting in the death of several thousand American soldiers and about 200,000 Iraqi civilians.

I’m no brain surgeon but I have heard the phrase, “Hell hath no fury like a women scorned.” And when Trump pointed out that fact — that she and her father were warmongers — and more interested in reaping the money surrounding that war than they were interested in stopping war and protecting Americans… well, I can imagine she (and Daddy) was angry.

Angry enough to pretend that she believes that Trump poses an existential threat to American democracy and that her most important task as a patriotic American and daughter of Dick Cheney is to counter that danger?

Setting aside that she knows my administration will try to actually change Democracy as we know it — pack the Supreme Court, deeply curtail the first Amendment, throw the second Amendment out, make Washington DC a new completely Democratic state virtually guaranteeing the Democrats will own the senate (or maybe abolish the Senate — who needs that?) …impose actual fascism — force “choices” on people — like vaccines and electric vehicles — etc … is there another reason she wants to support me to beat Trump? And how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Toostie Roll pop? Perhaps the world will never know.

I got to read a little bit of her speech today, ahead of time, and she plans to say —

“As citizens, we each have a duty to put country above partisanship to defend our Constitution. That is why I will be casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris.”

And yet. She knows my priorities do not include defending the constitution— actually mostly the opposite. So. Is she smug, chubby, a turn coat AND dumb?

My staff did tell me that the reason I have to stand beside her is that she is the one woman who has a favorability score less than mine — and so, as my favorability is now starting to go back down again as people see and hear more from me, I’ll look good next to her — and I’ll try my best not to refer to her as a smug Lizard.

We good. Wisconsin — here we come!

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