Wharton Smorten

I just got the “Pants on Fire” award (again) from some pesky media outlet.

So…. Here’s the deal. I was with Oprah, touting my great economic plans… and I said UPenn Wharton School of Business found my economic plan to be positive. And way better than Trumpys. And … here… is ….the … kicker … some media outlets, instead of glorifying every single word I said (like they should), actually checked up on that.

And found that I lied.

What’s the big deal? What did they expect? My lips were moving.

What does Wharton actually think of my economic plan? Well, when asked by some fucking reporter who, for some reason thought their job is to be fair and accurate (loser —- wtf) … when they asked a representative from Wharton about my plan the response was:

“We did not find a positive impact on the economy from her plan in any future year.”

Come on.

The status meeting today… little update on how other people feel about my plan. Apparently another media outlet polled the CEOs of the major companies and reported that only 17 percent of the CEOs thought my plan was better than Trump’s plan. And only around 35 percent of voters think I would leave them better off at end of my Presidency.

What’s that old saying? You can fool 35 percent of the population some of the time but not all of the time?

The press really should be doing a better job at promoting me and my plan. I’m not a brain surgeon but I know the media is a propaganda machine… and they need to do their jobs better!

Just a side note. I’d love to look at banning Elon’s X and Fox News (and any other outlet that questions me) — wonder how easy that would be when I’m on the throne(?). I mean, when I’m President. There’s no throne. But, maybe we add one. Kinda jazz it up a bit.

We good. I think.

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