MAHA – Make America Healthy Again —- is RFK Jr. crazy? Hard to tell.

It’s like he thinks the government and me and Biden and people like Fauci are rubbing our hands together in the dark making noises like supervillains —- bwahahaha or muahahaha—— and thinking of ways to make people sick.

Like we would invest in crazy labs inventing experimental crazy bat viruses or something equally horrific — maybe in foreign countries to perhaps hide our involvement — and then what? Mandate an experimental vaccine no one wants but we force them to take — one that causes all kinds of new medical problems?

What kind of crazy person thinks this would ever happen. In America!?

And … then his concern for the “kids” and “obesity”??

I mean – I think I heard nearly 70 percent of the foods kids eat are ultra processed shit. And adult and childhood obesity has never been higher.

But does JFK Jr think the government is allowing global foes like China and other large businesses that make money off the pharmaceutical industry (that need people to be sick) — to buy up farmland? And that we are investing in highly genetically modifying crops and growing fake meat for people in labs? I mean…

Or overlooking possibly 1000s of additives in our foods — known to cause cancer, brain issues, etc. — much of our food that is banned in Europe for those very reasons…who actually believes that this is happening? Crazy. He’s gotta be crazy. Seriously.

I mentioned these exact thoughts to the staffer that looks like a raccoon and she looked at me with one eyebrow raised. She looked at me for a while. The look on her face bewildered me. Maybe a mix of confusion and what? — what was it? — amusement? Disgust? Hard to tell.

Then … she asked me if I lived under a rock … and if I would like some more wine….

Yes. Fuck, I thought she would never ask… more wine for me. Finally. It’s gotta be five o’clock somewhere.

I think we good.

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