IRS’ Endorsement

Status meeting today. They promised me wine.

Apparently, the IRS endorsed me. That adds to a long list of endorsements like Cheney, Putin, Iran, Hamas… really key endorsements.

Of course the IRS had no choice — if Trump gets elected and brings in Elon Musk to be the efficiency guy — 90 to 95 percent of the IRS agents will be cut (and the place will probably be run better).

The current IRS budget is over $12 billion. Average salary for IRS agents is over $70k. By 2029 this will balloon as they plan to add a shit ton of agents and likely increase costs to over $15 billion a year.

Elon. Pesky Elon. What would the IRS agents do if he comes in and cuts all their jobs?

Efficiency expert in Government? That’s gonna hurt.

One of our illustrious staffers said that Thomas Jefferson once proclaimed, “The government which governs best, governs least.”

But, they continued: that’s not how we work anymore. Now it’s like, the government that governs best, well, we just don’t know — government protects government. Spending increases and less gets done. California just spent $24 billion to reduce homelessness and their homeless population skyrocketed.

Why? Because government gave the money to private companies, mostly connected to the government individuals somehow, and realized homelessness was an effective money maker for them. As long as government was budgeting money to help homeless people, and they offered services, they could make more money by not ENDING homelessness but by ensuring it continued. And government workers had their pockets lined. And everyone’s fat and happy. Well, except businesses and taxpayers in CA who are fleeing the state because of homelessness and other crime issues —- hmmm.

I have no idea, they lost my attention at the beginning when I heard that wine would be served and I couldn’t take my eyes off the door thinking when exactly will someone be coming in with it?

And still no wine, what the fuck!

We good? No, we are not. Not until that wine they promised me gets here.

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