Et tu, Brute?

Some guy tried to kill Trump again. Ryan someone. From out of the US this time — a country called Hawaii.

My staff said it’s interesting that even though the guy’s a Democrat, his linked in page said, “Work has never been about money rather building frameworks for people to thrive and succeed.” To me that sounds more like Trump’s platform. He donated all his salary while in office, and helped families in every class thrive. But, who’s counting?

And… and here’s the kicker.

This Ryan guy went to Ukraine to fight for Ukraine in the war against Russia. So, just boggling to me — my administration basically allowed the war to start in first place, provoked, and even forced a continuation of the war when there were plenty of chances for peace — why would he would want to kill Trump who will likely bring peace to that region? Unless, like the rest of us, he has money at stake by continued death there? Just a thought. Or he’s just dumb, like most voters? More likely.

It’s weird times. It’s almost as if the more times we call him a threat to democracy and liken him to Hitler, the more people are trying to kill him. Very strange.

Is Trump a threat to democracy? Nah. But the scary rhetoric is working. And we are going to keep it up. And if more bullets fly in his direction, that helps us — we can use that in our favor to strip away the 2nd amendment! So much fun to be had.

Oh.. and now. Pence. Trump must be uttering “Et tu, Brute?” as he walks around Mar-a-Lago.

We good.

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