Build the Wall

The chants outside the hotel have gotten a little loud and obnoxious. “Build the Wall” “Save America” “Fight, Fight, Fight” “Trump, Trump, Trump” — it’s gonna make debate prep (and sleep) a little difficult.

I don’t get why anyone would be for Trump at this point. I’m the one that’s going to Save America… by packing the Supreme Court with liberals, abolishing the Senate (who needs it), getting rid of the pesky 1st and 2nd amendments (again, who needs them), ensuring protections for biological males who want to beat women in all sports… the good stuff.

I’m all for building a wall… around this hotel to keep Trump supporters far away. They are making me more irritated than usual. And that’s pretty bad.

Trying a new sign off line… here goes …

Why are people acting like I’m the first woman to obtain such a high ranking position in the US Government? Have we all forgotten that Monica Lewinsky was directly under Bill Clinton?

Nah, That’s way too wordy. Need more thought put into this….

Back to the podium! Shut up you peasant protestors!

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