
We have daily “status meetings” and today — between brutal fake debate sessions — the group informed me that we are bleeding young voters.

Which I just don’t get. Trump is fucking old. So, he got RFK and some kids apparently like that guy. So what!? He’s still fucking old. He may have more energy than I do, more experience, more fight, and he’s done like close to 40 interviews in the time I did one… but who’s counting… ? Oh, and he does have some great ideas (which I try hard to steal, of course) … but still??? I thought young people love me because I brat. And I’m funny and say dumb things.

Speaking of brat. Supposedly I have to drop that too. It is now trending as an acronym— Kamala B.R.A.T. — bitch raisin’ all taxes.

I am raising all taxes, but I need to stop saying that out loud.

Not sure what to sign off with now. Bitch Raising all Taxes just isn’t the tagline I want, even if true.

Maybe instead of “I brat” I sign off with …. Was Tim Walz involved in a giant fraudulent Covid scheme bilking tax payers out of millions?

Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it. I’ll have to think a little more later. Back to the podium!

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