
Ok. So I pronounced my own name wrong today. It’s easy. Everyone does it. It’s Comma La.

Not Ka Mala.

You know, people often pronounce their own name wrong. There is nothing weird about it. JD Vance, Trump – now that’s weird. Sure, their policies are what most Americans want… but who’s counting.

Looking forward to going to Pennsylvania next week. It’s a state that has a long history of being part of America’s history. And the history is history to us and the history of America.

Just have to remember the pronunciation of my own name and all will be good. Comma La. I brat.

Who Will it Be?

Andy Beshear of Kentucky, J.B. Pritzker of Illinois, Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Tim Walz of Minnesota, Mark Kelly of Arizona, or Mayor Pete.

Personally, I would love to pick Mayor Pete, but I can’t say or spell his name so probably he’s a no.

I mean I want him just because he’s young and cute and talks well and he’s nice and he’s gay. Seriously. Maybe that sounds weird. But it wouldn’t be because he is good at his job. He’s actually so bad it is unbelievable. Transportation Secretary was supposed to be a cushy job where you travel around and meet a lot of people. He could be seen, heard, become more familiar with the masses. All positive.

But train derailments, planes having so much trouble (doors flying off!?), two Boeing whistle blowers dying under strange circumstances… the worst plane cancellations and delays in history. Like super unfortunate— he must have a black cloud over his head.

Maybe it’s not his fault. But with this kind of a record at the head of the department … not good.

Could be Pritzker. Nah. Too old and just looks weird. He is a billionaire. Not sure if that’s good or bad. Maybe I need to put that on the list of questions to ask Obama. But no to Pritzker. Too hard to look at.

Shapiro? Well, no one really saying it loudly but there is a lot of hush hush talk around the campaign staff to the effect of — he can’t be a serious contender — because…. he’s Jewish. Wow. I did say we shouldn’t call people that flew planes into buildings or that kill a bunch of people by blowing themselves up radical Islamic terrorists. And I have been very sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and to the campus demonstrators. Even the ones calling for the genocide of Jews or the destruction of the Jewish State. I’m a democrat. I believe in free speech (well, not for conservatives, or parents, obviously, but who’s counting!?). And I desperately need the support of Dearborn-based Arab American News… but hey, I’m not totally against Israel. But, it’s the Arabs I have to pander to. I’m married to a Jew after all, the Jewish voters will fall in line. No matter how many times we go against Israel. But, yah, no to Shapiro.

Walz? Wait. Is it weird that we call men running for political office by their last name, but women running for office are called by their last name. Seriously. Hillary, Kamala, crazy Mazie, Pocahontas, I could go on. But the men. Always last name. Trump, Bush, Rubio, Biden, Obama. What’s with that?

I planned to write about each contender memember tonight (another new word but not really that good, if I’m being honest). But seriously — I’m “interviewing them” but I’m not “choosing”. It’s a group thing. It’s all about the Team. And Obama. Not me. I’m good. And at this point it’s kinda boring to write about. Maybe more later. Exhausted and drank too much red wine. This trying to become President thingy is rough.

Freedom people. It’s the prosecutor v. the felon: I don’t see how I can lose. No matter how bad I would be for the future of the country.

I guess I will finish with one of my favorites: It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day.”

I brat

Oh hello. Old man Biden has been trying to tell me about this personal diary for weeks actually. But I don’t really listen to him and also he doesn’t make sense.

Ok. So I’m beat. That was an autocorrect. I’m brat. Not beat. If I could figure out how to type out my cackle, I would type it here! Beat. Ha.
I don’t actually understand brat but hello – this is my personal diary and the GenZ crowd say lean into it. Brat. Not the diary. Hopefully no one ever sees this diary. It got Clinton and Biden secrets here. And now. The first Indian President. Or Black. Whatever. Both. Or whatever ever gets more votes, actually.
Not sure about the old man but I think the diary is worth a try. A way to get stuff off my chest – same chest Willie Brown liked to lick – but who’s keeping track? I am the Presidential Menominee. I made up a word. Kinda like Mamala. So cool. You know, I can be relevant and hip and relevant and hip and all that.

If you go to Google right now and google Trump you get a bunch of articles about me. God Bless Google, and God spite the Jews. Funny how I can put that in my personal diary. If I ever said that aloud, I’d have to trust the media to suppress it or erase it or rewrite it —- you know, like they did with my past.
Well, I would love to write more. But my brain starting to hurt.

Suffice is to say. Not all progress is gradual or linear. Sometimes Deadpool controls your thoughts. It happens.

God Bless America. K
