RFK Jr!?

What happened? It’s baffling.

The media message was supposed to be “Kamala is amazing, unbeatable, brilliant, loved by all…” etc.

The media message now is something like… “that kooky crazy RFK Jr. has now gone off the deep end BUT he’s also super cool, likable, brilliant, loved by the hip youngsters, makes some great points, loves the country, wants unity…and is a game-changer for the election.”

A game-changer?

How could anyone possibly like the guy? He questions government control, wants freedom for Americans… he makes bold statements like wanting to make America healthy again — kids healthy again — stop chronic diseases… he is concerned about the politicization (is that a word?) and weaponization of the justice system… he wants to stop forever wars and he keeps droning on and on about freedom of speech. Blah blah blah.

Oh and vaccines. He’s pretty anti-vax. I mean, I have been told that, but I’m not sure why. Vaccines are completely safe. 100 percent. I’m not great at math but I also was told recently that:

– the UK has paid out over $25 million to individuals with vaccine injuries to date (from the Covid vaccine)

– Australia has paid over $20 million (and budgeted to pay another $50 million)

– Canada payouts expected to go over $30 million soon

– Italy recently set aside over $150 million euro to pay out their claims for injuries from a completely 100 percent safe vaccine

-and oh.. the CDC was forced to release data that shows approximately 8 percent of USA Covid vaccine recipients that were tracked required medical attention or hospitalizations… and complications including seizures, Bell’s palsy, tinnitus, myocarditis, autoimmune disorders, and drastic suicidal thoughts and/or issues with brain function

But back to Robert Fucking Kennedy. That’s what the F is for, right? Fucking.

Most of his siblings immediately discounted the move to support Trump saying he was clinically “coo coo for Cocoa Puffs”, or something like that. Of course one of them was married to Andrew Cuomo so I would discount her opinion on people — but the others probably know what they are talking about (?) — don’t they?

The media will pick up the “he’s crazy” mantra and dehumanize him; we will attack him vehemently. It will be fine.

I mean his message, “Unity, Freedom, Liberty” —- ugh. Couldn’t possibly be popular with anyone. He cray cray.

And, I brat.

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