Fucking Staff

Someone left an anonymous joke in my folder today.

It read:

What’s the difference between Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? Joe leads with charm, Kamala leads with “Harris-ment.”

Wtf. I think they are possibly trying to insinuate that I harass the staff. Just to be clear, I can be a little bitchy at times. But I don’t think kicking them, spitting cherry pits at them, screaming obscenities, and asking them to never look me in the eyes really constitutes harassment.

We are like family. Maybe a dysfunctional communist type of family, but still family. My actions show them I’m in charge. And if they don’t like it, I just say, “don’t let the doorknob hit you on the ass on your way out.” That seems to work.

Also that’s a shitty joke.

And. I brat.

One thought on “Fucking Staff”

  1. Trump’s VP, 2 Chief of Staffs, and most of Trump’s 43 cabinet members have publicly said that Trump is profoundly unfit to be President and is an actual danger to the country.

    Mike Pence

    John Kelly

    Mick Mulvaney

    Bill Barr

    Rex Tillerson

    Mike Pompeo

    James Mattis

    Mark Esper

    General Mark Milley

    Nikki Haley

    Chris Christie

    HR McMaster

    John Bolton

    Anthony Scaramucci

    Stephanie Grisham

    Betsey DeVos

    Elain Chao

    Richard Spencer

    Tom Bossert

    Michael Cohen

    Ty Cobb

    Alyssa Farah Griffin

    Omarosa Manigualt Newman

    Sarah Matthews

    Cassidy Hutchinson

    I’m sorry, what were you saying about Kamala Harris’s staff?

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