
I don’t really understand the term gaslighting. However, I am pretty impressed by the fact that media is so powerful that it can create riots with non-stop hyperbole and then blame the victims. I actually am not sure what hyperbole is either. But I heard someone say that and I thought it sounded cool. I think, basically, they stir the pot and stand back and watch shit burn. Then blame the people asking for help. Or offering help.

It’s brilliant. I gave my speech yesterday. No media questions after. Read the teleprompter. “Hey folks, I know you’ve seen these liberal mobs looting and rioting and burning down everything in their sight. And throwing rocks and bottles and IEDs at police. But, you’re mistaken. All of that – it’s Trump’s fault. It’s so obvious. If you disagree with someone, it’s ok to be lawless in the streets. It’s Donald J. Trump’s America and the really bad cops he has personally hired and put in place to shoot people. To shoot black men because he’s racist. Do I look like someone who is a crazy socialist that is soft on crime and wants to redirect funds from law enforcement to other places otherwise sometimes referred to, wrongly, as defund the police? Come on, folks.”

Trump who has offered for months to help stop further harm to innocent victims (minority communities, black and brown businesses, businesses that serve the minority communities, regular people that put their hearts and souls into businesses that were burnt to the ground by angry liberal mobs)… Trump who has offered the liberal mayors who are allowing the riots to destroy the cities – offered to help them bring law and order to the cities. He has been speaking up for the victims, supporting the police and first responders. That’s the guy we blame… Orange Man Bad… the media will repeat it over and over again. The sheep will believe it and flock to vote for me, Joe Biden, the strong law and order President.

No one will remember that it took me 100 days to speak against the violence in the streets. No one will remember that my VP pick personally donated to pay for bail for looters and rioters so they could go loot and riot some more. Or that she tweeted for others to do the same. Maybe I should ask if she deleted those tweets now that we are pivoting to “law and order”?

The electorate is dumb. We will be fine. I’m hitting the trail. This will work. Law and Order Joe. Right?

Come on, man.

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