
So. Today I found out why Harvey Weinstein is unable to continue the tradition of sponsoring large Democratic fundraisers. It’s a major sex scandal. Around 90 accusers – ranging from harassment, assault, rape… pretty bad stuff, folks.

I say to Jill, “Jill – Harvey Weinstein can’t raise money for me, he is in some giant sex scandal!”

She says, “Yes, Joe, everyone knows that. He’s actually a convicted rapist.”

Wow. Ok. I did not know that.

I did a little research on my own. And I found troubling things about a few of the headline speakers at my convention:

  1. Michelle Obama said this about Harvey Weinstein: “He is a wonderul human being, a good friend and just a powerhouse.” Could her judgement on character be worrisome to voters?
  2. The New York Times called Hillary Clinton one of Weinstein’s enablers because she did nothing about the numerous warnings from women, reporters, magazine editors and supporters that her campaign received in 2008 and 2016 about Harvey. She just kept quiet and collected the money he gave and raised for her and other Dems. Yikes.
  3. Kamala – her speech at the Democratic National Convention included the line, “I know a Predator when I see one.” Does she? She was the Attorney General in the State that Weinstein lived and where he did most of his predatory acts which were described as an “open secret.” She took money from him. She met with him one on one. If she knows a predator when she sees one… she was in a good position to do something about it. But, what did Comma La do… anything? Nope. Well, she cashed his checks.

Weinstein. What a mess and huge loss to the Dems that he was caught. And convicted.

Well, we still have Soros. Hopefully he doesn’t spend all his money funding the violence, the mobs and the rioting across the country. That’s probably costing him a pretty penny right now. Gotta be more than grassroots donations, those have been in steady decline. Nothing to worry about like lack of enthusiasm for me and Comma La, I’m sure.

Come on, man.

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