All my scripts have been changed to say “Comma La for my VP” not Kamala so I can pronounce her name correctly. So, I only got it wrong 7 times today and only 1 time on camera.
I did forget my wife’s name a few times. It’s like that SpongeBob episode where he has to clear his mind of everything but fine dining and breathing, and he forgets his own name. I focused so much on pronouncing Comma La’s name right, I forgot a lot. Like the day, the year, my wife’s name and why I was out of the basement. But, I read the teleprompter ok. Just ok? Just ok. “Ok, see you in there.” I love those commercials. “Guess who just got reinstated. Well not officially.”
I wonder how Planned Parenthood can tell the pimps of sex trafficked child sex workers who are age 14 how to lie to get their child victims abortions — and have no issues. Just go pick up more checks from the tax payers and keep performing the abortions….Nothing to see here.
However, if a couple of guys try to keep their gym open in New Jersey, they go to jail, have their business license stripped and face fines, penalties…
Things remain very confusing to me. Like how to use a phone. Mind boggling.
And now that the peaceful protestors (that look very violent) have looted all the stores in Chicago, can I take reparations off my platform? Surely the Gucci and Chanel purses have to count for something. Or maybe that’s a stimulus check to help them eat? Gucci purses taste great, I’ve heard.
Thank goodness I have this private diary to write in. Also, it was nice to have Comma La here in person. Wherever I was, I kinda forgot now. Does it matter? Maybe it was the moon. I should’ve made the VP announcement on the moon. Now that would have been cool. Maybe that’s somewhere Comma La would be popular.
Come on, man.