
I really don’t know much about Twitter. I get reports on some of the things people say on it. Especially Trump. My team does all my tweets. Mostly attacks on Trump, but some other stuff too.
I have trouble using a cell phone, Twitter just not my thing.

Sitting here in my basement I am confused a little and conflicted though. Twitter and many Dems want to censor Trump? Stop letting him Tweet or talk on Twitter? I think that they think that would help me. He has 13 times as many followers as I do. Melania has ten times the followers of Jill. Dr. Jill.

But, here in my basement with tons of time to think… it seems to me that some of the Tweets Trump makes hurt him more then they help him….

Because of my past blunders with the black community including my crime bill, my statements on Obama and this week saying you ain’t black if you don’t vote for me… because of these things and because I need the black vote that somewhat seems to be on a “blexit” from guaranteed democratic voting and some even going for Trump because “what do they have to lose?!” …. because of these things and more my team didn’t let me say that the rioting and looting was bad yesterday when I finally made a statement about MN and Mr. Floyd. But, I do think one Tweet they twittered said it all, “Enough.” I think they meant it to be directed at Trump. But, it really should have been directed at the looters, at anyone trying to make a political statement, at any police officer that believes they can use their shield for evil and not good, at everyone that isn’t honoring the memory of George Floyd and is using his death for their own gain or for twisted and violent actions. Enough.

Back to Twitter. Maybe I’m too old and don’t get it. But how would Twitter justify censoring the President of the United States but feel perfectly comfortable letting the leader of Iran tweet Death to Americans?!

Come on, man.

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