
I can’t figure out the polls. Or if we should trust them. All of them have me trouncing Trump. That’s a cool book title: Trouncing Trump.

Trump kind of sounds like a swear work. Like “You’ve been Trumping Trounced” — that might be a good book title, too,

Where was I? The polls.

The polls are always accurate. Except when they aren’t. They weren’t that great in 2016. But this isn’t 2016. I’m not Hillary. There are no comparisons between then and now.. Except maybe… Hillary was underwater in favorability throughout 2016. Same with me. But they said she was going to win. Same as me. But she didn’t. That’s where the comparisons must end.

The people didn’t love her, weren’t excited by her, and didn’t really even like her. I get it, but I’m likeable. Loveable even. So, I don’t bring excitement to the party. So what?! People love me. The polls say the people love me, they have me beating Trump in everything. Except when you ask if they trust me to handle the economy, or jobs, or if I could lead in a pandemic. But who can trust polls?

I did get high numbers on a question about if I would be likely to fall asleep in my salad bowl at a state dinner. That’s cool, and yeah, probably accurate.

And some whipper-snapper told me today that there is a rumor that there is less than a 25 percent chance that I end up as the Democratic Party nominee for President… really? I’m all that’s left.

The polls have me trouncing Trump – and I’m all that is left. I’m the presumptive nominee. Right?

Come on, man.

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