Hurricane Matthew

Another inopportune timing for an event. Hurricane Matthew. Would have been so much better to hit the state hard during election week than this week.

Based on the polls, I have a pretty big chance of losing Florida. But, I feel like early or mail-in voters – the white, smart, educated workers are surely voting for me. So, if the hurricane had waited until election week, less people would have been able to go to vote, but mail-in votes would already be there. A small in-person voting electorate would be my preference. I mean, I can hope for some serious destruction so people are more concerned about fixing their houses than voting. The Deplorables probably live in the kind of houses that would be destroyed….that would be good. Maybe they would have to leave the state. Or, I could root for another hurricane 11/7 and everyone evacuated.

Why do people choose to live in Florida anyway?? — And then, to make it worse, I’ll have to disrupt my plans and go to the devastated areas after the Hurricane and pretend I care about the people’s losses. I mean, I wasn’t willing to go to Louisiana after the floods – but they only have 8 electoral college votes so really not worth my time. At least Florida has 29 electoral votes up for grabs so I could probably swing through and look humanitarian for a little while for that.

It’s really sad that I’m outspending Trump 4 or 5 to 1 — and losing voters in Florida. My voters just don’t seem that excited to run to the polls for me. I don’t get it. I should be 50 points ahead. Idiots.

Speaking of idiots, they are back at me to keep prepping for the Sunday Town Hall. Ughhh.

More later…

Bill Clinton, first husband

Wow. Bill was a beloved former President. He was an asset to my campaign. Now, I think I should get him off the trail.

In past few months:

fell asleep during my convention speech

looked like a child with the convention balloons

had an illegal meeting with Loretta Lynch

gets heckled for being a rapist at a rally

called Obamacare the craziest thing in the world, doesn’t work, doesn’t make sense – something I’m putting forth as one of my platforms – keep and increase Obamacare

his constant infidelities have become campaign fodder … and more…

I don’t know. On a positive note, at least when he’s out on the trail I don’t have to deal with him.

Town Hall debate prep. Crazy advisors. If they say one more time that I’m “unrelatable” or “cold” or that this town hall setting doesn’t favor me because the key is to seem like I care. Which I don’t. But, shut the F up. I’m trying. idiots.

More later…

So, just trying to find a minute to myself to jot down a few things to refer to later. But I keep getting gypped. No free time for me.

Yes, I had a speech writer text Kaine to tell him how GREAT he was. Then I get a bunch of flack because The Donald CALLED Pence to say he was great so I must have been disappointed with Kaine. Lovely. I was disappointed, but at least he didn’t sell me down the river or go off the reservation.

So a few hours later I called him. Didn’t want to. But, have to bite the bullet now and then. What I wanted to say was “you’re not as smart as you think you are Mr. Harvard Law school.” Or maybe, “You’re fired.” But… I was good and stuck to the script and just said I was so very proud of him for how SUPER he performed in the debates. Yuck. The things I do…..

A new debate coming up with The Donald so I’m back to practicing! Pence got one good line in about The Donald – that he is a “doer” not a “talker” like the career politicians. Maybe so, but the idiot electorate likes to vote in the smooth debaters so… more prep for me…

More later …

Creepy Kaine again


I can’t take his eyebrow. I can’t take my eyes off it. It just creeps me out. Hopefully I’m the only one that notices it. Wow.

I also hope I’m the only one that thinks he looks like the guy with 5 bodies buried in his backyard.

He is doing a great job insulting Trump. That’s about all he has. So… I guess I will take that. But as much as I love myself, I think he hurts my campaign more than he helps. A heartbeat away from the White House –gotta be a scary thought for most. If they are paying attention to the VPs which I’m sure most people aren’t. Thank God.

More later …

Mike Pence

How come we didn’t plan the VP Debates on Monday night or against football? I think there is a baseball wildcard game tonight, thank God.

Tim Kaine, Mr. Zero personality, debates what’s his name. Not that I will stay up to watch it…. But, I’d put my money on what’s his name. Moderator, of course, on our side so that may help.

Pennsylvania today. Not any better than Ohio. Who chooses to live in these places?

More later.


First of all, I love my name. As a child, I wanted to change it. But, now, I just love it. If you say it three times fast it sounds funny. Not sure what they slipped me this evening …. But everything seems funny.

So, good restful weekend. Well, a few nightmares. Monica, for one thing. Thought she was behind me. She’s back in my dreams. Along with a dozen others. But, still nice to get away from the public and media. For the most part.

The biggest Nightmare of the weekend has to be:

1) realizing I have to go to Ohio Monday

2) the report that I could really lose Ohio – WTF! I’m spending millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars there. Like 4 times more than The Donald. He can’t even get the Governor to endorse him. And, I’m losing to him? And I have to campaign more there? I haven’t found anything good about Ohio. Well, if you say Ohio, Ohio, Ohio three times fast it kind of sounds funny. I guess that’s something.

Trying to figure out how much more time I can take off before next debate….Ohio, Ohio, Ohio. Crap. Not making me feel any better. Really not happy. Going to try and get more sleep…

More later…


Donald’s microphone

Haven’t gotten over the released anti-Sanders voters audio. I really am still having trouble getting over the FBI releasing my interview – and that was weeks ago.

But more? Why did the debate commission have to admit that The Donald’s mic was screwed up? I was so enjoying the dig “anyone that complains about the mic obviously had a bad night…”

Just not fair.

Coughing fits are back. Need more rest. I think I’m allergic to the public. I hate the media. I understand they are “Team Hillary” but I can barely stand them. I have my own assistants and advisors ask me questions now on the plane so I can have less eye contact. And have more predictable questions. Counting the days. Just all brutal.

More later.

Bernie Sanders again

I’m feeling the bern…. Literally so pissed I’m burning up. Are there no secrets anymore? Emails hacked and more to come… And now, there is released audio of me calling Bernie voters stupid, naive children living in their parents’ basement.
Everytime I think I’m making inroads with the millennials …. something else comes up like …. well, too much to mention.

Now an idiot advisor “jokes” that I should “come out of the closet” and say I’m a lesbian. Kills two (or three) birds with one stone— explains away Bill’s multiple and continued infidelities, gains sympathy from the voters and identifies with the millennials and young voters and LGBTQ group…!!

Will save that one for a desperate moment. Sounded stupid at first, but may have legs.

More later….