Iran again

Thanks, Obama. We gave $400 million is cash and ultimately $1.7 billion in cash. And much more money ultimately to Iran. But, they keep taking our people. Maybe because they want more cash?

An Iranian news outlet close to the country’s Revolutionary Guard, which oversees the release of prisoners, reported that Iranian officials have decided to “wait and see” if the the U.S. will offer “many billions of dollars to release” the businessman, Siamak Namazi, and his 80-year-old father Baquer Namazi.

Lovely. Well, more to come with me, it’s only money. And, negotiating with terrorists always a good idea.

More later.

Tim Kaine Lied

Surprise. Mr. Perfect (Perfectly Creepy) Kaine lied.

Who needs their personal thoughts and emails exposed? I mean, it’s poetic license to have secret plans – secret lies and backroom deals no one needs to know about.

Kanye running for President 2020? Stranger things have happened. Actually, another person that would have beat me in 2016. Lucky he did not get his shit together to run this year.

Maybe polls saying I’m too far ahead could actually hurt my vote?

Just random thoughts.

Hate Florida as much as I hate Ohio. How much more of this do I have to endure? Oh, yeah – just a few more days.

Larry Elder says I’m a hypocrite. Duh.

More later.

The Russians

No matter what comes out from Wikileaks, we just have to say The Russians are our enemy and Trump loves them.

Delay, distract…

The Clinton Foundation doesn’t pay women as much as we pay men? Who thought we did? Duh.

My team says I have bad judgement? Really? That’s like common sense. Just look at my history…

My team speaks poorly of religions, races, women, other politicians? Oh, the shock. The horror. Did anyone think we were “inclusive” and saints? If they did, they haven’t read the books out there about me. All true.

Oh, we pay people to set up fake disturbances at Trump and Pence rallies? Is there anyone that thought these were actual demonstrators? We’ve been paying  demonstrators for years. Anyone that doesn’t understand our basic planned manipulation of the ignorant voters deserves me calling them ignorant.

I get debate and town hall questions in advance. Are you kidding me? Of course I do.

And on and on.

All this surprise from the people about how really corrupt and horrible politicians can be – I’m not immune. Washington is broke, I’m not planning on fixing it and I laugh at Trump saying he’s going to come in and clean up the swamp and put me in prison….Ha.

I’m going to see to it he is under audit for the rest of his life – he will be lucky I don’t put HIM in prison. For what? Does it matter? I create reality. What I say matters.

And by the way, Cleveland sucks. And I can’t see out of my left eye. Seems about right. Just a few more days.

More later…




All the uproar over the $12 million dollars I negotiated and took from Morocco after I announced my run for the Presidency is ridiculous.

And, all this talk of the White House being for sale once I’m elected is silly.

Why would I wait until I’m in the White House? I’ve had it sale for years. As a senator, as a candidate for the White House 8 years ago, as Secretary of State — I’ve been taking money for years. Hundreds of millions. Like buying a future of a rare wine. Or betting on an NFL team to win before the season starts. People, countries, corporations have been betting on me, buying me and the favors I could give them. Favors and government contracts and other requests — things I could do for them at the time they gave me the money. But, I know and they know most of the money was given for future favors they will request once I’m elected.

So I chuckle at the ridiculous claim that once I’m elected I will “sell the White House.” As far as I’m concerned, I am already bought and paid for … many times over.

More later…

Rudy Giuliani

So I upset a few people tonight. One in particular: Rudy. He gave me the death stare. I know he doesn’t like me.

He was a prosecutor and he dislikes slippery people, believes I should be 100 percent to blame for ISIS, thinks I’m in poor health and generally hasn’t liked me for years.

Melania also looked like she wanted to strangle me – still looked beautiful, but angry.

Trump actually was booed,  but in all honesty I couldn’t tell if they were booing him or actually so upset by the truth in his jokes they were booing me.

At any rate, most of the jokes were kidding on the square. Like when I talked about all my naps or when Trump says I was pretending not to hate Catholics. Pretty honest humor. Clearly still hate in our hearts for each other.

Well. 19 days left. Wikileaks does seem to be all a sham or they would have dumped stuff by now coming from me.

More later.

Debate Loss

Ok. Dump Trump. Or some other four letter word.

I seriously cannot believe that carrot top beat me again. I know it doesn’t matter but …. I mean he can win these little battles and still lose the war.

The media (minus Fox) will all say I won. It won’t matter that I lied or laughed or smiled at inappropriate things like when The Donald was talking about countries that throw gays off buildings – I was laughing. They just won’t care.

So …. it’s over for Trump. Well, maybe. Weirder things have happened. Like waiting for the ice man. Or the other shoe. I’m not that confident. I actually have to work for a couple weeks now.

I mean I know I look confident. I’m a great actress. I know I don’t look like I actually like people when I try to and get crazy eyes sometimes….but I can look confident even though there is a little doubt. A small amount of doubt.

I wouldn’t have placed a bet on myself here in Vegas…. but, the odds are definitely in my favor. Rigged election? If you aren’t cheating, you aren’t trying.

My head is so filled up with everything I had to remember and say, I’ve no room for anything else.

More later.

Project Veritas

If I had to fire everyone in my office that spoke badly about Jews, blacks, women, Bernie (the Doofus), Christians, Catholics, Republicans, Mexicans – I would have no one working for me.

But, this “bird dogging” stuff – people may lose their jobs. It’s coming out that people on my payroll started fights, hired people to protest, paid people to injure Trump supporters, started the riots in Chicago that made Trump cancel a visit a little while ago, incited violence…. may need to find some scapegoats. Additionally, there is some evidence of my staff laying out plans for voter fraud …   going to have to come out against this. Or, maybe Media can just brush it under the rug and find something else to attack Trump on… could work.

More later…

Julian and the Internet

Ecuador wanted something from me.

I hold the cards.

And, I mentioned that they can kiss my help goodbye if they don’t somehow stop Assange.

Here would be my note to Julian:

Poor, poor Julian. You live by the internet, you die by the internet (or lack of internet). Good luck with those last leaks you were saving for right before the last debate. You should just be really happy I didn’t get my way with the drone I wanted to send. Xoxo HRC

More later…



I can’t remember where I heard this joke about places like:




and more. All end in STAN. You know what “STAN” stands for? Shithole. Ha.

So here I am now in Las Vegasstan. Really, the kingdom of shitholes.

But, seriously. Who could possibly live here? Just poor, regular people. Uggh. At least my advisors working hard to keep me away from them. Finally doing something worthwhile.

But, I wanted to jot a note down about Farrakhan and what he said about Obama.

Who does he think he is to talk bad about Obama and how he has failed the inner cities? And to say maybe Trump would be better? Blacks vote for me. Screw Farrakhan. Nation of Islam, my ass. Blacks stand in line to vote for me. I’m a Democrat. I will figure out a way to make him pay.

I don’t give a shit that he’s talking bad about Obama. But, he almost sounded like he was supporting voting for TRUMP. Doesn’t he understand his place?

More later.



Bernie Sanders Unendorsement

What’s up with Bernie talking about the system being rigged? I heard he said something like

“That was not Abraham Lincoln’s vision of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people” and also, “We are talking about a rapid movement in this country toward a political system in which a handful of very wealthy people and special interests will determine who gets elected or who does not get elected.”

It is like he is talking about ME. Going against me.

Im not sure why. I crushed him in the primaries. And, by crushed him, I mean –got the system rigged against him, took money from Wall Street and special interest groups — and then eeeked out a victory against this 100 year-old unknown communist from a state no one has even heard of.

I do not like this “unendorsement.” Not happy. Who does he think he speaks for or to? Idiot.

More later…