Wall Street and Wikileaks

It’s Christmas every day in this election. A new present. In any normal world, the Wikileaks drop would be leading the story – front page.

I refused to release the Wall Street speeches where I got like $26 million?  A dozen speeches? – A hacker found these. Isn’t that story enough? Repeat. Hacking found and released the transcripts.

The amount of money I have made speaking to Wall Street – banks who got government money in the bailout. It’s just comical. I mean, great for me. It’s not even a blip in radar.

But, even more – what I said — what I said to them:

I’m far removed from middle class

Wall Street are the smartest people

They can’t possibly vet all those refugees so they don’t know if jihadists are coming

I want Wall Street to come into White House and write their own regulations

blah blah

Of course I have a public stance and private stance on Wall Street. The electorate doesn’t need to know what I plan to do. They certainly wouldn’t even understand. I know what’s good for everyone.

Of course I just tell Wall Street what they want to hear, like I tell the electorate. Or better, just say horrible things about Trump so the lemmings will follow me to the end of the Earth.

But all the hacking? Isn’t anyone worried that there will be hacking during voting? The election might have issues!? No way. Just like no one could have possibly hacked my private server. Right.

Vodka, or maybe champagne celebrating the wonderful gift of Trump using the word pussy.

More later…

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