Dear Huma

So now they want me to distance from Huma. Not a chance, well… I’ll consider it…. but only if we become desperate.

Sure, she emailed classified docs to her yahoo account, yahoo gets hacked later… sure she prints classified docs and leaves them lying around… sure she has classified docs on a computer she shares with Weiner. A guy who sex texts 14 year old girls and who know what other dispicable acts.

Sure, she’s been using a Clinton email address for years but told the FBI she had no idea it was on a private server. Sure, she actually helped oversee the set-up of the server also, but doesn’t recall that.

I mean, yes, we all know she made false statements a go go to the FBI.

I mean it would be plausible that she did all this without me knowing … so when I said the “I don’t recall 100 times..” it is plausible I just didn’t know. And it wasn’t ME who lied to the FBI. It was this loyal, faithful screwup.

She would only be in hot water for a couple months – Obama or I would pardon her.

Sure, most people in government and in my campaign consider emailing Huma means they are emailing me. We are connected at the hip.

Hmmm. Will have to consider all options. Option number one is to get Obama to pressure Comey to say that it was a mistake to say there was pertinent information they found. To pressure him in any humanly way to apologize and recant everything he said on Friday. Say “Clinton is a Saint.” You know, if he knows what’s good for him….. that would be best.

More later.


More Kreepy Kaine

What a difference a few days makes. Two weeks ago the Republicans were asking The Donald to step aside. That it’s best for the country.

Every day was like Christmas. The Donald was taking a beating and a new present for me every day he was digging deeper into the insanity.

Now? Democrats are asking me to step down. A Presidential candidate shouldn’t be under investigation by the FBI? Huh?

Who do they think I am? I am a Clinton. Clinton Inc. will surely prevail. I will be indignant – I will attack the FBI, I will drum up some more women to talk about how The Donald reached across a table to touch them and how they’ve been upset ever since. About how he called Mexicans rapists or how he’s a bad guy in general. Or how 11 years ago, 20 years ago and maybe even 30 years ago he did something bad…

He’s bad. I’m better.

It’s just not fair.

And that freaking Kaine guy …. I will NEVER step aside for him.

Mark my words – Comey will pay. Obama, too. And the Post, Times – all the papers saying I’ve disqualified myself. But mostly Comey. Unless he comes out Monday and says I’m clear again. Which he will if he knows what’s good for him.

More later.

Huma Emails

Of course Huma lied to FBI. There is nothing she wouldn’t do for me. I’m sure there is some kind of contradictory information on her device. Maybe even contradictory to what I said. So maybe they have some kind of proof I lied, too.

Not ruling out classified information moving around there either. Huma basically knows everything I know and who knows? She did leave a bunch of classified docs in her car for days. Not exactly a responsible thing to do.

But, it’s that sleaze Weiner that got us into this trouble.

And then that Asshole in Chief said this today:

“My advice to Hillary will be, just listen to your conscience and do what you think is right and worry about the politics later…”

It was in relation to helping people. But almost  as if he knew something bad was coming out from FBI and almost like a cryptic message to me … I don’t know. Don’t like or trust him. He doesn’t want Trump. But…

The problem is, they have to have found damning information before sending a letter or they would have waited until after the election. So… going to be a tough next 11 days.

More later.


Andrew McCabe FBI Deputy Director

Of course I personally headlined a major fundraiser for a political action committee shortly before the group steered nearly $500,000 to the wife of the FBI official who oversaw my email investigation.

No one every said I was stupid.

Let’s see – help the fundraising efforts of the wife of a person high up in the chain of command of the team that conducted the email investigation? Bill meets with Loretta Lynch just before the decision to not indict? Obama’s emails to my private server found later and leaked. My staff receives immunity. My staff pleads the fifth or doesn’t show, deletes emails after subpoena.

Gotta love America. And, everyone laughs at Trump for saying Washington is corrupt. I’ll be laughing all the way to the White House.

More later.

Michelle Again

So why do they love her so much? So what.. she’s a First Lady. I was a First Lady. She’s a woman, I’m a woman.

They love her. My crowds have been somewhat paltry and zero electricity in the room. Now, Michelle or FLOTUS shows up. The people turn up, they cheer. It doesn’t even look forced.

Download from North Carolina speech: I am back to yelling into the microphone. Little bit of crazy eyes. Indignant snobby voice. Too fake emotions. Arm movements too robotic. Hug looked forced. Idiot advisors need to just get over it. I’m not a great candidate, ok? Got it.

Seriously is there anyone more inspiring than Michell Obama? Yuck.

More later…

Screw Obama

Yeah, I’ll play nice with Michelle – which is probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done – but I am having a hard time not wanting to slap Obama.

How does he lie and his ratings go up??? I lied because I had assurances I would be ok with that server – not to worry. Then Comey calls me a liar. So I get through that mess.

Then Wikileaks exposes the lies that I knew and my team knew about the server. And he knew.

Then Obama lets it come out that the country, cumulatively has seen 128% increase in premiums since the start of Obamacare – 25% this year alone.

40% increase in North Carolina

53% in Pennsylvania

116% in Arizona

and on and on. States I want to win – that I could have won easily but these announced increases aren’t helping.

And his favorability numbers keep going up? Jesus – I’m taking the blame? It’s not called Hillarycare you ignorant voters….

I need to stay calm. But, again, thanks Obama.

More later…

Obama Military Bonus Payback

Whose side is Obama on? He lets the military ask for the bonuses back from those that went to combat? 2 weeks before the election?

That’s the kind of sh$t that should come out AFTER the election. I’m out here saying I’m going to continue all the “excellent” things that he has done and he lets the Military go after these families? Asking them to pay back bonuses that were promised to them? Asking them to deplete their savings and retirement accounts to pay back BONUSES PROMISED to them?

After service in Iraq? Afghanistan?

Thanks, Obama. He sends his wife out to campaign.  He personally stops running the country, stops his commitment to the American people to go campaign for me. Yet, he allows the bad news about Obamacare to come out and the bad news about going after our military families to come out? He needs to take a lesson from my playbook —better collusion with the media.

Idiot. I can’t wait to get him and his “magical unicorn” family out of the White House. So fake to me and Bill. I swear if I never see the two of them after the election – EVER – I will be good.

More later.


Obama’s own people came out NOW to say that the “Affordable” Health Care Act was going to make premiums even MORE expensive. Up 25 percent or more. More insurers leaving the marketplace? More of a drain on our economy?

For the average voter, who’s not paying attention I guess this is ok. But for those people who are paying attention to the news and to their own issues with Obamacare and know I’m only going to make it worse…. to those voters a vote for Trump makes more sense. He’s going to try and repeal and replace it.

Just seems like something they could have waited a few weeks to announce. The public doesn’t need to know that Obamacare is a disaster. At least, the White House shouldn’t say it. That’s just being way too truthful.

More later…

Elizabeth Warren

Can’t quite figure out why Elizabeth Warren now looking at me like a vulture looks at a carcass. Like she wants to pick me apart.

I know she thinks she’d be a better candidate. But, realistically most of America think anyone would be a better candidate. Anyone. Well, maybe anyone except The Donald.

The Donald gave America some contract? Like laying out 20-30 things he’s going to do his first 100 days or something. As if at this point I care or anyone in America still cares what he’s doing.

Anyway, Elizabeth. Thinking of getting her out of the country somewhere. I think she may go against me when push comes to shove.

Also, the nasty women comments were gross. I also know she wanted Bernie deep down. Pocahontas. She’s really irritating. And ugly.

Concert tonight. Counting down the days.

More later.