Jim Comey and FBI

Irresponsible. Jim should not have released any of my interview. I don’t care that he tried to release late  on a Friday on a holiday weekend to keep people from reading or caring.

He could have simply said “the FBI investigation and interview with Ms. Clinton will not be released.” End of story. Who questions the FBI?

But to release? It’s just so bad. I don’t know what the “C” stands for? Really? Little harder to stand in front of people and say I took my role as Secretary of State very seriously when I said I don’t understand basic email coding or I said I didn’t even remember a 2 1/2 hour meeting in which all the protocol was gone over and/or the document I signed verifying that meeting. Little harder to prove I have the stamina and mental ability to be President when it is reported that I said “I do not recall” 40 times. I had one blackberry for convenience? And then it turns out that, for convenience, I had many more and who knows where they are or where the emails on those phones ended up? And a computer sent in the mail. Wtf? Just all looks bad. Is bad.

It’s almost as if he doesn’t want to keep his job. I mean, people have actually disappeared or died under weird circumstances for less.

Also, tough end of day download. My advisors say I don’t sound genuine when I tell the press I’m happy to have them on the plane. They say I look obviously irritated by their questions. Yeah, no shit. I hate having them around in my business. Won’t be around when I’m Queen of Effing Everything.

So, I don’t get an Academy Award for the last few days. But, I’ll keep trying. 62 more days? Shit.

More later.




Still fuming about today. They just sit there and let me have a five minute coughing fit? Would it have killed one of them to stand up there and say a few words so I could get some water and a throat lozenge?

Cleveland….another time I needed an award. Standing in front of a crowd and saying that Cleveland was exactly where I wanted to be on Labor Day….Seriously? Ha.  And the joke “whenever I think about Trump I get allergic” — really? I think I’m allergic to Cleveland.

I think there were more campaign stops today, in one day, than I’ve done in the past few weeks combined. Voice is thrashed. It actually may be hard to convince people I have the stamina to be President if I try to keep up this pace. I look and sound horrible after today. Need to tone it down if I am going to make it the next 9 weeks.

More later.


Hill Force One

Good news, bad news.

Well, mostly bad news but I can handle it. New plane has room for press. Less escape possibilities. I have my own space, of course. Not stupid.

Campaigning with creepy Kaine and his puritanical wife. Just have to smile. 63 more days. But who’s counting?

Cleveland sucks. And fairs have weird smells. Face hurts from the fake smiling.

More later.


Thank God the general public has no clue. China chooses this week to show Obama who’s boss, and made it clear it is not him.

Getting snubbed in China, not good. But, most voters just won’t understand the significance – Obama will talk his way out of it. “It doesn’t show we are weak. It doesn’t show disrespect.” The public will believe or not even understand.

As for me, I’ve decided to screw the press. No press conferences, even though I promised one soon. My definition of soon is a long time from now. Maybe when I’m leaving the White House. I’ll follow the money and speak when financially beneficial to me and the campaign. Oh, and I think everyone forgot my promise to go to Louisiana after things died down there. Awesome.

More later.

Ronald Reagan

How did Ronald Reagan, who knew nothing about international relations or even where some countries were, who was extremely ill-prepared to become President of the United States — how did he win by a record number of votes and then become one of our best Presidents ever?

1) cutting taxes – no chance I’m doing this

2) beefing up military – nope

3) cutting the deficit – no, I have too much spending in mind. The more bloated the government is, the more power I have, I will keep spending.

Bill — also a beloved and great President — cut the deficit, balanced budgets. Really was Newt Gingrich, but Bill helped, I think, and got most of the credit.

I’m prepared to be President. But, what will I be remembered for? Certainly not for cutting spending or helping US out of the financial mess Obama has us in. Thanks, Obama.

Trump is woefully unprepared to be President. Let’s hope the voters don’t remember that Reagan was, too. Is it possible that a business man would make a good President?

This is supposed to be a mechanism to reflect on my historic run for the White House and to help me remember the trail. Need to stop thinking about Trump and start thinking about myself. Hard to do when my advisors keep talking about “Trump this and Trump that.” And pushing all this debate prep. Literally killing me. Frustrating.

More later..


I hate him. Just so upset. He stole eight of the best years of my life. I would have been a great President 8 years ago. I would have beaten McCain. McCain’s a great guy, but he’s a normal politician. I would have beaten Romney. A decent guy, too, very smart. But, too plastic. I was on my game. Sure, I had normal scandals that have surrounded us for years, but I was on my game. I had energy. I cared more. Now, I’m having trouble just going through the motions.

Obama was young. He could be running and winning now, easily. The country would want him.

Me? I schlepped all over the world as Secretary of State. Ridiculous number of miles as he sat in the Oval Office and played golf. And, now 8 years later, I have racked up so many more scandals —they are dragging me down. I can’t hold press conferences because I’m having trouble keeping track of the lies, the lies about my lies and what I can and cannot recall or can or cannot blame on the ineptitude of my advisors. It should be Obama running against Dangerous Donald. Not me. Not now. Not me.

It should be me leaving the White House, fat and happy after 8 years. Not him.

Horrible. I deserve better. Thanks, Obama.

More later…


Trump in Detroit? Another place I’m not going. The people that live in Detroit don’t even want to be in Detroit. Not on anyone’s list of places to visit. One of America’s shrinking cities, bankrupt or on the verge of bankruptcy at all times.

Dr. Ben Carson? Another person I’m glad I’m not running against.

Im just going to keep yelling “Racist” at Trump. People believe. Doesn’t matter that I know personally he’s not a bigot. Yell it loud enough and say it enough and the dumb electorate believe. Perfect.

More later.

FBI and Emails

“I don’t recall” should be my slogan. Tagline. Motto. Nickname. Forgetful Hillary? Careless Clinton?

For sure better than saying “I screwed up. I probably put US and various assets at risk because of the use of my emails. I wanted private server because it was convenient and I thought Bleachbit would actually clean out the ones I didn’t want the public to know about….I wanted to hide some of my dealings…”

Certainly shouldn’t mean I can’t be trusted when I’m the most powerful person in the world.

More later.


Crazy Ann Coulter

Ann thinks Trump has more chance of winning than losing. Really, Ann? Crazy…get off the crackpipe Ann Coulter…

Could people really elect Trump over me? I mean stranger things have happened but – could I have peaked too early? Are people connecting the dots and figuring that the nickname “Crooked Hillary” is actually very fitting? Is the koolaid wearing off?

Tired and cranky today – even though we announced raising an awesome amount of money – it was only a little more than $62 million for me – so less than July really. Pathetic. The other dems got over $80 million to try and hold off the Republicans on the down ballot. Trump didn’t announce yet. So, maybe he didn’t do as well as we thought he would. That would be a silver lining if true.

Going to be a lot closer than people think, unfortunately. And a long, hard, tiresome road for me. And counting down to the debates. Nothing good.

Vodka please.

More later.

Senor Trump

My advisors told me not to watch the Trump Immigration speech, so I didn’t. But, I heard, even with the orange hair, he looked and sounded quite Presidential.

The numbers aren’t out yet, but even with all the fundraising in Martha’s Hellhole and California (like $60 million for a few events?), my team thinks Trump possibly outperformed us in August in terms of dollars raised. No way. They are really paranoid. Stupid and paranoid.

But, they keep saying he’s doing better and I’m doing worse. Overheard a conversation between some of my people where they were talking about me hiding more. “Keeping her at home is best. The more they see and hear from her, the more they dislike her.”

Little frustrating. Stupid people.

Have to keep being positive. At least I’m not running against Cruz or Rubio. Or someone really smart like Newt. I’d really hate to debate him. He knows everything. If he ends up being the White House Chief of Staff for Trump… that would be a pretty good team. What am I thinking? I’m winning and will have Huma by my side. No chance The Donald can keep going up while I go down…I know the people want more of the same. More of what Obama was doing. The media loves me. The people love me. People trust me. Oh, there is that pesky poll that says almost 70% of the country doesn’t find me trustworthy. But, who believes the polls?

And, even if they don’t love me, the media has done such a great job making them fear The Donald. Master manipulation. Twisting everything he says to make him sound like someone they should legitimately fear. Fear is a powerful motivator. A vote against him is a vote for me. As long as the media keeps that up, I’ll be fine.

More later…