Pneumonia Hillary

Maybe Trump can give me a new nickname finally and drop corrupt Hillary. Contagious Hillary would be better.

My “Pneumonia” – not sure that was the right way to go. I’ve been in Florida a lot and Zika seemed like the logical plan. Pneumonia just sounds like something old, weak people get. Zika is for the young. The vibrant. Crap. “Pneumonia” is the best we could do? And also stage a hug with a little girl for the cameras? Um, isn’t Pneumonia contagious?

My advistors are idiots.

The best thing about being “sick” is I get to ditch the press and public for a while. Hopefully a few weeks. But, no way I’ll be that lucky.

What is wrong with a little wobble? We’ve had Presidents propped up during speeches and also in wheelchairs. The problem is Twitter. The media didn’t photograph me falling. None of them would have showed the public my wobble. It was a disgusting regular person with an iPhone and a Twitter account. Would be great to shut that down. Nationalize Apple? Censor Twitter, Facebook and others? Hmm… May have to consider that.

More later.

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