Jim Comey and FBI

Irresponsible. Jim should not have released any of my interview. I don’t care that he tried to release late  on a Friday on a holiday weekend to keep people from reading or caring.

He could have simply said “the FBI investigation and interview with Ms. Clinton will not be released.” End of story. Who questions the FBI?

But to release? It’s just so bad. I don’t know what the “C” stands for? Really? Little harder to stand in front of people and say I took my role as Secretary of State very seriously when I said I don’t understand basic email coding or I said I didn’t even remember a 2 1/2 hour meeting in which all the protocol was gone over and/or the document I signed verifying that meeting. Little harder to prove I have the stamina and mental ability to be President when it is reported that I said “I do not recall” 40 times. I had one blackberry for convenience? And then it turns out that, for convenience, I had many more and who knows where they are or where the emails on those phones ended up? And a computer sent in the mail. Wtf? Just all looks bad. Is bad.

It’s almost as if he doesn’t want to keep his job. I mean, people have actually disappeared or died under weird circumstances for less.

Also, tough end of day download. My advisors say I don’t sound genuine when I tell the press I’m happy to have them on the plane. They say I look obviously irritated by their questions. Yeah, no shit. I hate having them around in my business. Won’t be around when I’m Queen of Effing Everything.

So, I don’t get an Academy Award for the last few days. But, I’ll keep trying. 62 more days? Shit.

More later.



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