Hollywood and Jessica Biel

Maybe Jessica Biel will play me in a movie about myself.

Few thoughts: just had a post-assessment with my team of the speech today. Overall, they said I did better. Less yelling into the microphone. Good. Sincere eye contact and gestures. Great. I really should have gotten kudos for keeping a straight face during half the attacks on Trump.

Trump: divisive. Like putting out ads that Republicans are KKK and racist isn’t decisive. Ha.

Trump: liar. I don’t think I need to beat a dead horse here. What would be funny is if Trump said during the debates “Hillary, you know how I know when you are lying? You’re lips are moving.” Ha ha. I crack myself up. But seriously. Pot calling kettle black.

Trump: bad advisors – surrounds himself with bad people? Wow, I have career politicians and Huma Abedin on my side. Hmmmmmm. I trump Trump. Lol. Don’t know if I’m actually this witty or if it’s the vodka talking.

I could go on. But, bottom line is I’m a great actress. I should have been an actress, not a politician. I play a role well. When I say “my friends” at a pathetic COMMUNITY college in a small ridiculous place in the middle of nowhere with those people…

I am actually quite upset at the booking. If I was an actress, I would fire my agent. Reno? Crap. This “reach out to America” role is the most difficult ever. And, I’m doing great. Like Golden Globe shit. Oscar quality…..

More later.



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