The Donald and Saudi Arabia

Haven’t had a chance to write in my diary for a couple days, I thought I forgot my password so asked one of my aides who said they were helping me by changing my password every couple days and now it is password, but with capital P — hard to keep up with all the tightened security.

Burning question in my mind: What does The Donald have against Saudi Arabia? Doesn’t he know how much money they have? They’ve given me and Bill like 30 or 35 million dollars. Can’t remember the exact number. What they do to woman in their culture, in their country – who cares? Their checks are good. So, I owe them a few favors? Again, what the public doesn’t know won’t hurt them.

So The Donald says I need to give the money back. Of course, he’s crazy. Just ask the media.

I was supposed to have an intelligence briefing today – but they legitimately bore me to tears. Not enough attention is paid on me during those briefings. All listening. The only thing I hate worse than giving free speeches is not getting paid to listen to someone talk. Talk, talk, problem here, problem there. Wonder if I can just get someone else to do the briefings?

Paul McCartney gave me the nod today. So, I’ve been endorsed by Saudi Arabia, probably the most prolific sponsor of international Islamic terrorism, and a Beatle. Not bad.

More later.

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