Monica Lewinsky

So Bill lies… “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” Lie. He was impeached. The young voters probably don’t even know that.

I lie. Politicians lie. Bill was good at it and still got caught. I’m great at it and still get caught a lot. But since the world knows that politicians lie, I don’t think it matters.

I tell the minorities I will fight for them, the middle class I will fight for them, the poor, the black, the Muslims, the Gays — I will fight for them. They believe what they want to believe. All the lies.

Now Trump is introducing Monica to a generation of voters that may not know about the slutty girl who did disgusting things with my husband in the Oval Office and the lies to cover it up. He’s pointing to the millions of dollars I get from regimes who treat women like dogs, he’s bringing up the lies I say about Benghazi….. What he doesn’t get is the people know I lie. Every day. But they believe what they want to hear.

And they are unsophisticated and easily manipulated so I will be fine.

More later.


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